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Message started by follygg on Dec 14th, 2007 at 9:41pm

Title: Re: Towing caravans
Post by Pondgirl on Dec 16th, 2007 at 11:07am

wrote on Dec 16th, 2007 at 12:47am:
Hi Nobrot,
My sentiments entirely, i have watched the forum over the last few weeks, and where questions have been asked from new comers, normally very helpful answers or suggestions were always offered.

Suddenly, there seems to be a sarcastic or "i know it all kind of attitude"  and dont ask such stupid questions.

We all started as "rookies", and were completely oblivious to Spanish/Catalan regulations, which still baffle me sometimes, even though my business partner is Catalan.

Can we not return to giving helpful advise and suggestions, after all, isn't that the reason why most people joined the forum in the first place.

It doesn't have to be a battle ground of sarcasm.

If someone wants to post a new English shop offering tastes of the UK, so be it, I'm sure it helped many people.

If somebody prefers to Speak "Castellano" in stead of Catalan, so be it. It is actually the national language of Spain in general, not as previously mentioned a second language, the autonomous languages are second languages.

If somebody wants to ask the Police/ Mossos d'Esquadra / Guardia Civil a question, more often than not, someone speaks reasonable English in the larger Police stations, and they are more than happy to help you.

Unfortunately, UK national motoring organisations like the AA or RAC are not always up to date with new legislation here, so, if anyone needs to know something, please just ask, and i am sure someone on here can help you with an experience of their own, or they can suggest where to ask in Spain.

Can we just get back to doing what we do best.................have a laugh and a giggle with silly things, but to help and advise new comers on the more important issues, even if the question has been asked before, and cut the bl***y sarcasm.

Happy Christmas everyone.


I should imagine that the threads that you are referring to are this one and the one about the new Eroski in Benicarlo.  I'll get onto the language one in a minute.

I don't know whether you are aware (I'm sure you are) but English people over here are getting quite a bad reputation for illegal building and generally ripping people off and you yourself made comments only the other day about the rancid state of many of the GB plated cars at Reus and the trouble people could get into if driving them.  Okay, I admit I could have been more helpful to Fgg but I'm sorry, asking on a public forum if it would just be better to flout the law is irresponsible, if not stupid.  And I was serious about asking for advice at the police station, again as you said, they do often have English speaking staff and in our experience have always been helpful.

When William posted his thread about the new Eroski store I made the comment that I didn't miss the foodstuffs that he mentioned other than Branston Pickle.  I was in no way sarcastic.  I have very strong views about 'food miles' and I do question the necessity to do, what for a lot of people on here would be, a 90km round trip to buy food that has already been transported from the UK, especially when most of the items he quoted seem to be available locally.  That is my view and I feel quite a valid one, you are free to disagree.  As you yourself said: "i like to see other peoples opinions, whether they are right or wrong. "  Just so long as they are not mine eh?  ;D

Okay, onto the subject of language speaking.  I have never said that Catalan is better than Castellano, just that learning it has been better for us in our situation.  Anyone who has children in schools here will be aware that everything is taught in Catalan and that Castellano is indeed taught as a 2nd language.  I don't know why you would believe otherwise.  I also had a 'thank you' pm from the member who asked about lessons.  In fact I have quite a few pm's on my inbox thanking me for my help or advice.

As someone whose home will be entirely dependant on solar power, I read any articles on the subject with a great deal of interest and I have no doubt that William will be very helpful if we ever need his advice.

I presume your comment about "people who think they know everything about this area" was aimed at me, there haven't really been any other posters that you have disagreed with so vehemently, so I'll make that leap and apologise for making you  mad.  We've been here less than a year, although we did spend at least twice that long in the planning stages, and we are more than aware of how much we don't know.  That is why we are learning the language and going to official sources for the information that we need.  It didn't stop us coming up with a dry well unfortunately  :( .  As for your wait & see comments....yes let's  8-)

Finally, a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all on the Tortosa forum from us both.  And a big thankyou to Nigel for providing the platform from which to leap.

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