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General Chat Topics >> In the news >> Truck drivers go on strike in fuel protest

Message started by Nigel on Jun 10th, 2008 at 8:26am

Title: Re: Truck drivers go on strike in fuel protest
Post by Tony on Jun 11th, 2008 at 5:30pm
To follow up on Tinkerbell's reply Mercadona had not fish, meat, fruit or veg at 6.30pm yesterday and Caprabo had very little fish, veg or meat.  Basically the only meat in Sabeco this morning was lomo, sausage and morcella and there was no veg or fish except that in the frozen cabinets, and the water stocks were very low with clients being restricted on how much they could buy.  The garage at the Corona roundabout had covers over the diesel this morning and the one on the left past the millenium bridge going towards the motorway was roped off yesterday afternoon.  Sorry to disagree Tinkerbell but they are panic buying - Caprabo's car park which is normally verging on empty was very busy yesterday evening.  Perhaps the market is better if they are using local produce, but with a wife who is disabled and nowhere to park nearby unless very lucky we tend to use the supermarkets with car parks.  And they are also panic-buying petrol - yesterday at Carrefour there were queues which we have never encountered before with drivers putting silly little quantities into their tanks.

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