Tortosa Area Forum
Local Information >> Schools >> School enolrolment

Message started by Tonyndeb on Jul 11th, 2008 at 9:08pm

Title: Re: School enolrolment
Post by DaneInSpain on Sep 27th, 2012 at 3:45pm

wrote on Jul 11th, 2008 at 9:08pm:
Hi there, My significant other and I are looking to move over to the Tivenys area later this year. We have an 8 year old daughter and we would like to know if there are certain months that the schools enrol ? or is really as simple as turning up and checking in. If you have been their and done it we would appreciate your comments and help. How long do they have to wait before starting school, Should we take Spanish lessons or Catalan ? Can you Reccomend a good Spanish / Catalan teacher etc.
I look forward to any replies all help is gratefully received.

Hi, we just moved here and I can tell you it is miles easier getting your child into a village school. Tortosa town hall ask you for a ton of paperwork if you want to pick a school in the city, whilst the local village school only asked for my son's vaccination records and his passport. Good luck!

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