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General Chat Topics >> In the news >> Generator fire closes nuclear plant

Message started by El Alto on Aug 25th, 2008 at 11:45am

Title: Re: Generator fire closes nuclear plant
Post by Ebrovoice on Aug 27th, 2008 at 9:34pm
Thanks Mark,
I think my written is better than the spoken where I often confuse Dutch, German, Afrikaans and Flemish.
You are Dutch aren-t you? Otherwise I apologize.

That article is quite quite scary1 So 2010 whenthe licence becomes renewable or expires. I don't think so! Have you seen all teh expansion goign on around there. However, it does strike me with amusement when someone takes a lovely holiday beach photograph and writes ont eh Postcard, "Wish you were here" adn you ahvea nuclear, leaky power station in the background.

Thanks for taking the time to send me those news articles links.

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