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General Chat Topics >> In the news >> Now why did I leave the UK - know a good joke?

Message started by Nigel on Nov 28th, 2008 at 11:55am

Title: Re: Now why did I leave the UK - know a good joke?
Post by old nelson on Nov 28th, 2008 at 7:13pm
We have jokes all the time about English,Irish,Scots,Jewish,Polish and most countries and most religions in the world in mainly good humoured ways, but for whatever reason, this does not seem to be appreciated by people of the Muslem society who feel offended and insulted if they are mentioned in a joke of any kind.My opinion for what it's worth is "chill-out" and have a laugh at yourselves, and the real world,integrate not separate(is that e or a there in that spelling??).

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