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Message started by viking on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 6:24pm

Title: Re: spotted dick
Post by jools on Sep 24th, 2009 at 10:21pm

spanishcatfishing wrote on Sep 24th, 2009 at 9:18pm:
Flintshire council has reversed its decision to rename the pudding Spotted Dick, after accusations of political correctness.

Canteen bosses had decided it would be called "Spotted Richard" after "several immature comments from a few customers".

But following criticism from employees and angry correspondence from people around the UK, the council has announced the dessert will be reverting to its traditional name.

The council's chief executive, Colin Everett, told the BBC: "Although the majority have seen the humorous side of the story, the impression given in the media that the council might have been 'politically correct' has led to some derision and, sadly, to a number of abusive letters being sent in from across the country."

Mr Everett explained that the name had been changed to "Spotted Richard" in light of the "childish comments of one regular customer.

"Spotted Dick will be back on the menu under its proper and proud name. In future, any customers who act in this childish way will be asked to behave properly or will be refused service," he added.

Klaus Armstrong-Braun, a Flintshire councillor, said: "It's a great victory for Spotted Dick and for everyone who makes it. It's made Flintshire a laughing stock all over the world. I've had lots of letters criticising them.

"It's all the more ridiculous when we now learn that only one person was responsible for making smutty remarks which led them to get rid of something which has been a tradition for more than 150 years."

Talking about tradition, that is a really Welsh name for a councillor!!!.....LOL ...Klaus Armstrong-Braun

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