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Help or Advice >> Help and Advice Wanted >> Where's the best place to buy.....?

Message started by Bigyin on Oct 5th, 2009 at 7:25pm

Title: Where's the best place to buy.....?
Post by Bigyin on Oct 5th, 2009 at 7:25pm
Hi guys and gals.   Can anyone advise where the best place might be to buy flat screen TV's and decent (Russel Hobbs or similar), deep fat fryers.  The TV's I've looked at so far (Hyper Europa or whatever) seem a bit pricey and their fryers are pathetic.  Don't really want to go any further than say Vineros if I can help it.

Title: Re: Where's the best place to buy.....?
Post by Ritaratbag on Oct 5th, 2009 at 7:50pm
Carrefour is good for T.V's and most electrical goods.
Have a look at their web site for up to date deals, before going to the store.
Happy shopping.

Title: Re: Where's the best place to buy.....?
Post by Bigyin on Oct 6th, 2009 at 2:00pm
Thanks for the tip Rita.  I'll take a trip down there and see what they've got.  They have a long list of fryers on the web site but most of them are marked as sold out.
Thanks again,

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