Tortosa Area Forum
Help or Advice >> Water, cisternas and so on >> WATER DeLIVERIES

Message started by denryan on May 2nd, 2010 at 6:05pm

Post by sujay on Jul 12th, 2010 at 5:22pm
The only Irish running thru your veins is the copius amount of Guinness you drink back home, stil as you say its better than that viagra stuff you bin buying there in Spain. By the way the Barmaid in Lenihans said Tis only her takings that have been down since you left , you must have left a great impression on her and she has a lovely rosey glow about her these days. I believe her father is looking forward to seeing you again also . He must have heard of your musical talents as something along the lines of you starting a band like the Pogues and fiddling with his daughter. Come back soon.  ;D

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