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Message started by Pip on Oct 9th, 2010 at 1:03pm

Title: URGENT El Perello Ajuntament Notice
Post by Pip on Oct 9th, 2010 at 1:03pm
Just came across this on the Olive Press Magazine web site and thought it should be posted here:

URGENT IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS IN EL PERELLO AREA BUT IT MAY BE HAPPENING IN ALL TOWNS- HEARD IT MAY BE YOUR FINAL POSSIBLE CHANCE TO MAKE PROPERTIES LEGAL! note we have been told all must go on their allocated day and time even if already legally registered on rustic land.


( Baix Ebre )

IMPORTANT - Inventory of buildings on rural land
"Plan of Municipal Urban Planning 
The following is a translation of the notice posted this week by the Ajuntament.

Taru Burstall, Agent d'acollida, El Perelló Ajuntament.


L’Ajuntament del Perelló està redactant el Pla d’Ordenació Urbanística Municipal (POUM), document de gran transcendència que contindrà totes les normes urbanístiques que regiran en aquest municipi els propers anys.(The Town Council of El Perelló is currently drawing up the Plan for Municipal Urban Planning (POUM), a document of great importance that will contain all the rules that govern planning in the municipality in the coming years.)

Un dels documents que formen part del POUM és la relació de masies, casetes de tros, magatzems i tota mena de construccions en sòl no urbanitzable, és a dir, en sòl rústec. La finalitat d’aquesta relació és intentar que totes les que no estan reconegudes es puguin reconèixer.(One of the documents that forms part of the POUM is the report/catalogue of rural houses, agricultural warehouses, and all types of constructions on ground that is non-urban land, that is to say, on rural land. The purpose of this report is to try to see that all those constructions which are not recognized could be recognized.)

La garantia que les edificacions s’arribin a legalitzar no la tenim perquè la darrera paraula la té la Comissió Territorial d’Urbanisme a les Terres de l’Ebre, però el que sí és cert és que les que no constin en la relació ja no tindran la possibilitat de ser legalitzades.(We cannot guarantee that the buildings will be legalised because the final word is with the Commissió Territorial d'Urbanisme (Regional Planning Commission) of the Terres de l'Ebre, but what is certain is that those that are not contained in the report will not in future have the possibility of being legalised.)

Per tot això es convoca a tots els propietaris i propietàries de finques en sòl rústic perquè passin per les oficines municipals a examinar, reconèixer i validar les fotografies de les seves respectives edificacions.(Therefore all property owners of fincas on rural land are called to come to the municipal offices to review, validate and recognize the photographs of their respective buildings.)

A fi i efecte d’evitar concentracions massives que dificultarien els treballs, s’estableix el següent calendari per partides, dates i horari:(In order to avoid over-concentrations of people which would hinder the work, the following schedule for partides (areas) at specific dates and times have been set:)

Nom de la partida

Burgà, Resplanada, Corral Blanc, Belloteres, Calobres, Bertolins, Bassa d’En Baró, Coma Novell
17 a 20 hores

Vinyetes, Comes, Tita, Masets, Oliveres, Comartí, Coll de les Forques, Pont Trencat, Montes Blancos
17 a 20 hores

Suis, Pla d’Arnes, El Molà., Roca d’En Vidal, Cap Roig
17 a 20 hores

Bassa del Mig, Figuerassa, Mas de Bermejo, Mola Porquera, Coma d’En Riba, Mas de Gimeno, Ardit
9 a 13 hores

Fornassos, Bassa d’En Fuster, Bogatell, Aguiles, Parades, Censals
17 a 20 hores

Guàrdies, Parracoll, Serra, Sorts, Aubachs, Baldiràs, Planes, Mas de Barralluga
17 a 20 hores

Bordes, Espinals, Safranà, Coves, Codines
17 a 20 hores

No cal insistir en la importància d’efectuar aquest tràmits. Els principals beneficiats són els propis titulars de les construccions i si no s’aprofita aquesta oportunitat difícilment n’hi haurà un altra en molt de temps.(The importance of these procedures cannot be over-emphasised. The main beneficiaries will be the titled owners of the constructions and if this opportunity is not taken advantage of it will be difficult to have another such for a long time.)

El Perelló, 6 d’octubre de 2010


Ferran Cid Martí

Title: Re: URGENT El Perello Ajuntament Notice
Post by santsalvador on Oct 10th, 2010 at 3:06pm
Hi. Don't get too excited, this seems to be the same thing that was done in Gandesa three years ago, we were all, Spanish included asked to go to Basa office with our escrituras on certain days to identify our properties from a photo and told that our houses would be legal and we could apply for services, a few weeks later we were visited by a local policeman and an official from Tarragona who measured the outside of the house, two years later we received a bill and form 902S with the words Vivienda on,back dated three years for council tax.
This seems only there way of getting more money out of us and solely for tax purposes, the Vivienda bit means nothing.

Title: Re: URGENT El Perello Ajuntament Notice
Post by HazeandAlan on Oct 11th, 2010 at 1:46pm
Just a warning to anyone going to these meetings - make sure your house is secure - seems to be a good opportunity for thieves to do whole areas in 3 hours knowing that most people with nice houses in the campo will be there for most of the 3 hours i would expect. 

Title: Re: URGENT El Perello Ajuntament Notice
Post by hazelnut on Oct 12th, 2010 at 8:35am
Or Just One Person go to the meeting!!
The Other one staying at Home with Shotgun!!

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