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Help or Advice >> Water, cisternas and so on >> Ladis - the Campredo water man

Message started by briand6868 on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 8:35pm

Title: Ladis - the Campredo water man
Post by briand6868 on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 8:35pm
      Does anyone have any contact for the above gentleman, He also delivers loads of gravel and is handy with a j.c.b. - if anyone has a phone number,address or even knows someone who knows someone I'd be grateful.

Title: Re: Ladis - the Campredo water man
Post by santroc on Apr 23rd, 2012 at 10:10am
Good morning, this is Ladis mobile 670749551.
We have used him many times and he is very good and also very friendly.

Title: Re: Ladis - the Campredo water man
Post by fatphil on Apr 23rd, 2012 at 10:52am
Where is he based and what area will he cover for deliveries,also does he speak English ?

Title: Re: Ladis - the Campredo water man
Post by briand6868 on Apr 23rd, 2012 at 11:34am
Hi santroc and fatphil - thanks for the info, Ladis is in Campredo and delivers to me in Coll d'lalba about 30mins by tractor from his place, doesn't have a word of English as far as I know but we communicate in pidgeon Spanish/Catalan, so long as you meet him the first time and show him how to get to your place he won't forget.

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