Tortosa Area Forum
Help or Advice >> Water, cisternas and so on >> Clean Cubos (How?)

Message started by ddspain on Sep 22nd, 2012 at 5:17pm

Title: Re: Clean Cubos (How?)
Post by ddspain on Dec 12th, 2012 at 5:41pm
I seem to have maybe hit a bit of a raw spot there, but as long as you donīt care, never mind  ;)

I guess I didn't get the jest, as the cheesy emoticon didn't seem relevant to what you were saying, or to the problem that this is all about. Perhaps it was lost in translation.

Yet again you seemed to have missed the original problem, I can not use chlorine as the water gets used on plants and it will kill them.
Help is always appreciated, but please read the issues.
I always have a great day thanks....I live in Spain  ;D

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