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General Chat Topics >> General Chat >> Loss of UK TV channels

Message started by Nigel on Dec 4th, 2012 at 8:15am

Title: Re: Loss of UK TV channels
Post by Bulldog on Dec 4th, 2012 at 7:22pm
We seem to have an Astra 19 2 E signal and up until today we thought we had won the lottery as for the last few weeks we had regained Anglia, plus several BBC 1's, also several ITV channels and the elusive channel 5. Imagine my horror when reading the forum then running spilling tea and biscuits to my TV. The march of progress had struck, no channel 5, no Anglia, only 1 BBC1 but a new CBBC and to my horror a euro sport channel. What on earth is happening, give me back my TV programs and CJ I do have other interest beside my TV, my stomach. My only hope is this will not be updated.
Yours a displeased Bulldog.   

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