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Message started by philmountains on Jan 6th, 2013 at 10:43pm

Title: Re: Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel
Post by philmountains on Feb 17th, 2013 at 11:20am
Well I got here ok but wished I  had not after nearly 9 years I have been robbed' they have nearly wiped me out !!!! Strimmer (a birthday present) generator , Petrol stove, tools sleeping bags,  the list is huge,and there is bugger all I can do ,I feel sick they even took my boots and knives and forks what to do ?
I am sure this has happens because the farmer below me is sick, and staying with his daughter, they hit him as well taking a huge rotorvator,it's definatly locals who knew he was away
They think it's a local with sheep/goats but !!!!!!!!
I don't know if to carry on or what as pondgirl wrote, they will even get in through the roof which if you count my mud and timber affair a roof that's how they got into my shack must have been 2 or more to lift it all out.
Am fairly sure they will be back as the farmer is 84 and think this  as well as his illness has made him realise he is to old to stay up there.
you can only guess what I will do if they return ? >:(

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