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Help or Advice >> Help and Advice Wanted >> Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel

Message started by philmountains on Jan 6th, 2013 at 10:43pm

Title: Re: Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel
Post by philmountains on Feb 19th, 2013 at 11:31am
Thanks all for your support,I will leave the big stuff that Ive brought with me in the farmers lock up. I cannot beleve that the Bast"""s left my new tent just took the poles ,and out of all the good stuff left my colman petrol lamp maybe so I could see what had gone!!!!!!!!!
Know no one about anymore it just feels  bad up there on my own , no dogs for company etc....Mrs mountains thinks I should call it a draw ? It,s not the same place now, taken years of 15kg to get setup like I had it
It also seems to be raining every time I get here LOL

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