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Help or Advice >> Water, cisternas and so on >> Solar Water Heating

Message started by rayo on Sep 30th, 2013 at 1:06pm

Title: Re: Solar Water Heating
Post by philmountains on Oct 1st, 2013 at 9:32am
Nigel did you make the panel yourself -15mm -22mm tube or is it a bought evacuated tube type, and is the cylinder a single coil or a dual coil,  these are dear !!!!! been looking for a while now for one of these to work with a wood burner.
I have just won 2 x ultra violet filters from work this week, and will hope in time ;D to be using 1 of these in a collected rainwater system,I have a bit of a query that might be in your line, as I have also collected a few 24dc shurflow pumps which I was going to incorporate in this system.
, but not sure about flow rate going through filters ? I know there is a max but cannot find info on minimum? any advise appreciated.
Thanks Phil

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