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Local Information >> Other useful stuff >> Second hand shop

Message started by Ritaratbag on Oct 13th, 2013 at 8:32pm

Title: Second hand shop
Post by Ritaratbag on Oct 13th, 2013 at 8:32pm
As from 18th October:
La Segona Volta,
Second hand shop opening in Raval de Cristo, near Tortosa.
Open 09.00 - 19.00

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by Sherlock on Oct 18th, 2013 at 12:06pm
Has anyone been to the new secondhand shop 'Com9' in Tortosa yet?  Is it worth a visit?

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by Ritaratbag on Oct 18th, 2013 at 7:21pm
Went along to La Segona Volta this evening.
They already have lots of things for sale there.
Furniture, fridges, ornaments, books, clothes etc.
If you have anything that you no longer require, please take it along there, for them.
Open Friday and Saturday 9.00 - 19.00
Official opening is Sat. 16th. November at 6pm.
They will run workshops there in the future.
Poligon d' Ansedo, C/Sagrat Cor 63/65 Raval de Cristo
Tel: 877056585

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by ColinB on Nov 20th, 2013 at 10:11pm
Does this shop or any other buy stuff or takes it in on we're having a house and garage clear out?  Many thanks.

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by Ritaratbag on Nov 21st, 2013 at 9:53am
The shop in Raval de Cristo does not sell items on commission.
They have items donated to them and if any need repairing, cleaning etc. they do that, before selling them on.
Non profit making.
I am not aware of any shop in the area that offers, what you have mentioned.
Keep us posted if you decide to have a garage sale.

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by skibob on Nov 22nd, 2013 at 6:25pm
lf its a none profit making shop.  Where does the profit go?

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by Ritaratbag on Nov 22nd, 2013 at 7:13pm
Rent, rates, electricity? Not a small shop, but large warehouse.
Spares, repairs, on items donated?
Cleaning, washing, mending of items of clothing?

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by Ritaratbag on Nov 25th, 2013 at 7:05pm
As from next week, opening days and hours will be:
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thurs  10 - 12
Frid. Sat. 9 - 7

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by Nobrot on Nov 25th, 2013 at 7:50pm

wrote on Nov 22nd, 2013 at 6:25pm:
lf its a none profit making shop.  Where does the profit go?

There are a few people involved and they have all put money in to start it off.They will be paying themselves back before any net profit is made.

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by bruixot on Nov 25th, 2013 at 11:19pm
Non profit doesn't mean there will be no profit it means profit isn't the aim of the business. The overheads are paid and new stock acquired and the workers are paid a decent wage and any excess is also put back into the operation or into the aims of the organisation(funding and expenses for the workshops on recycling for example). It sounds like the initial investment will be paid off the same as any business loan to a startup and then any excesses will be rolled back in to their aims. I'm sure there are better definitions of non profit out there but I have found sometimes that people have trouble with the idea. The capitalist view of profit being the be all and end all seems to rule.
This way the community gains an asset that aims to be beneficial for the community without the profit motive.

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by mitchell4 on Nov 26th, 2013 at 6:15pm
This sounds great !

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by Bulldog on Nov 26th, 2013 at 6:49pm

wrote on Nov 26th, 2013 at 6:15pm:
This sounds great !

What does!!!!!!!!!!! I got lost at skibob...........
Yours the confused Bulldog.

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by skibob on Nov 27th, 2013 at 6:29pm
l'm sorry if you are confused Bulldog.
l ask a simple question.
When you are in business you can not be None Profit. All the charity shops may call themselves None-Profit but the excess money goes to there nominated cause. Be it Dogs-Cats- the Church-  Save the Children- Red X the list is endless for these good causes.
As Bruixot says: any excess is also put back into the operation or into the aims of the organisation(funding and expenses for the workshops on recycling for example).l can see what your saying. Fine but when those overheads have been met What then? Do they donate the excess ( which is profit ) to a worthy cause?
lt seams to me that some sections of society think that profit is an ugly word.

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by Bulldog on Nov 27th, 2013 at 7:07pm

wrote on Nov 27th, 2013 at 6:29pm:
l'm sorry if you are confused Bulldog.
l ask a simple question.
When you are in business you can not be None Profit. All the charity shops may call themselves None-Profit but the excess money goes to there nominated cause. Be it Dogs-Cats- the Church-  Save the Children- Red X the list is endless for these good causes.
As Bruixot says: any excess is also put back into the operation or into the aims of the organisation(funding and expenses for the workshops on recycling for example).l can see what your saying. Fine but when those overheads have been met What then? Do they donate the excess ( which is profit ) to a worthy cause?
lt seams to me that some sections of society think that profit is an ugly word.

Still confused but I'm sticking, I think with you skibob as for profit being ugly other half says she likes ugly well she said she married me. ( do you think she's having a go at me skibob? )any chance of being added to the list above.
Yours a Bulldog in need awaiting confirmation of being added to list.
P.S. If successful bank details can be sent.   

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by ColinB on Nov 27th, 2013 at 9:57pm
Yet another thread hijacked by stupid nit-picking !

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by Nobrot on Nov 27th, 2013 at 10:52pm
Nit picking...ruining serious threads about second hand shops.Stop it I tell you, stop it at once.

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by skibob on Nov 28th, 2013 at 10:22am
Oh all right Mummy ( How about a 5min argument ) ;)

Title: Re: Second hand shop
Post by Smidge on Nov 28th, 2013 at 10:44am
"nit picking" reminds me to stay away from the hat section.  :)

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