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General Chat Topics >> Gardening >> What's eating my peas ?

Message started by Bigyin on Feb 17th, 2016 at 5:19pm

Title: Re: What's eating my peas ?
Post by Bulldog on Feb 18th, 2016 at 6:30pm

Betty_Swollox wrote on Feb 18th, 2016 at 8:43am:
I have actually seen damned rats eating my cauliflowers! Have put down traps with good old fashioned mousetrap cheddar but the blighters seem to prefer fresh veg...... wierdos!

Guess I'll put an ad in the Wanted section for a shotgun.

Follow Bigyin example, lights, cameras, action, name and shame these little blighter's.
IF ALL FAILS GET THE GUN because have you thought they could be healthy eating pests, as they maybe the 5 a day ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yours, the truth is out there Bulldog. 

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