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Help or Advice >> Water, cisternas and so on >> Water containers

Message started by TeamNature on Feb 11th, 2017 at 2:40pm

Title: Re: Water containers
Post by Nigel on Feb 14th, 2017 at 10:37am
Ground mounted = above ground, best on flat stable gound, better a concrete slab.

I don't have one, just the prices. They aren't metal caged ones, they are self supporting. Probably best option if it is above ground is build a wall around it to protect it from the sun. Protected it should last many years.

As to use, depends on what you fill it with. Drinking water by tanker or from a well and it's fine to drink. Rainwater then either a very expensive filter or just for showers/watering unless you are brave :-)

If you mean last as in between refills, depends on your use. How many showers/people etc. There are various typical figures you can research for this but everyone is different.

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