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Help or Advice >> Water, cisternas and so on >> Water table in Bitem

Message started by dwt111 on May 28th, 2017 at 8:37am

Title: Water table in Bitem
Post by dwt111 on May 28th, 2017 at 8:37am
Hi does anybody know or have experience of the approx depth of the water table in Bitem. I know most authorities keep a record of past drilling which gives an idea of average depth, which obviously varies depend on exact location. I have no idea how to access this information, any advice much appreciated.

I also understand if you have growing land you may be entitled to water(paid for) has anybody had experience of this.

I am trying to ascertain the most cost effective method of supplying water to a land area that currently has none.

Thanks in advance for your kind replies.


Title: Re: Water table in Bitem
Post by Ritaratbag on May 28th, 2017 at 9:58am
Aiques de Tortosa, Ajuntament de Tortosa.
May be of help to you.

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