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Message started by dijs5152 on Jul 20th, 2022 at 6:30pm

Title: warm water via gasoil/solar system
Post by dijs5152 on Jul 20th, 2022 at 6:30pm
I have the following question:
Water in my house is heated by a boiler on gasoil.  Is it possible to heat the water when the sun is shining  by a kind of  solarsystem and switch over in the winter when nessessary to gasoil heating ?

Advice would be appreciated.


Title: Re: warm water via gasoil/solar system
Post by Nigel on Jul 22nd, 2022 at 5:14am
Absolutely yes - one of the most efficient uses of sun power there is. I've had solar water for 17 years - hot water pretty much from mid february to mid november at zero (or pretty much zero) cost.

What boiler do you have - is it a stored hot water system with a tank or instantaneous?

Title: Re: warm water via gasoil/solar system
Post by dijs5152 on Jul 24th, 2022 at 1:45pm

Thanks for your reply.

I can you inform as followes:

Boiler= Chromagen  IP 32, GCV9S1204415 D02TP
Pnom=     0,8Mp

Area of serpentine0.70m2

Connected to c.v system

If you want to sse the installation your welcome at my house in Aldover , near to els requers 2.5. km


Title: Re: warm water via gasoil/solar system
Post by Nigel on Jul 25th, 2022 at 3:04pm
I can't find any information on the boiler but it looks like Chromagen do a lot of solar compatible equipment.
Can you post a photo - do you have any documentation?
From what you say about the serpentine it sounds like it's an accumulator - do you run it from electric?

Title: Re: warm water via gasoil/solar system
Post by dijs5152 on Jul 26th, 2022 at 10:47am
I can sent a picture via whatsapp

Title: Re: warm water via gasoil/solar system
Post by dijs5152 on Jul 26th, 2022 at 1:49pm

Title: Re: warm water via gasoil/solar system
Post by Nigel on Jul 26th, 2022 at 2:18pm
Can you send a picture 620353138

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