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Endesa problems (Read 8227 times)
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Endesa problems
Apr 24th, 2012 at 11:34am
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Good morning,
Does anyone have a contact phone number for Endesa where i can speak in English? having mega problems with billing and cant get a solution,wont let me register to office online,im stuck.

Thanks. Cry
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Re: Endesa problems
Reply #1 - Apr 24th, 2012 at 1:34pm
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As far as I know Endesa don't have  dedicated English speaking staff.  Do you know anyone who speaks Spanish fluently that can call on your behalf?

This website may be of some help, but it will cost you.
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Re: Endesa problems
Reply #2 - Apr 24th, 2012 at 7:22pm
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Depending on where you live, there are Endesa offices around, often operating as "Inserts" (offices within shops).
See if you can find yours via this link.  If the link doesn't work, let me know which is nearer to you out of Tortosa, Amposta or Santa Barbara and I'll look it up for you.;jsessionid=rTVDA0hRlI...
Like most of the utilities, they aren't terribly accessible.  A suggestion, (if you can get to an office) is to type your problem into Google Translate and then print out the translation (Catalan or Spanish) and take it in with you.  This usually works for me If I'm having problems with the lingo.

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Re: Endesa problems
Reply #3 - Apr 25th, 2012 at 12:04am
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Re: Endesa problems
Reply #4 - Apr 25th, 2012 at 12:17am
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Useful sites no doubt in some circumstances but everything appears to be telephone based and Northlea appears not to confident about making themselves understood.  I've tried signing up for the "Office Online" in order to get my invoices from the net but the system wouldn't accept my identity details even though they were as printed on my invoice ?
Although I love living here, dealing with utilities and the authorities is a nightmare.

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Re: Endesa problems
Reply #5 - Apr 25th, 2012 at 10:14am
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If you can at all - go to an office in person.  I have to say I've always found the staff in the office in Tortosa great.  Before I upgraded supply to house, the meter was inside and the readings were estimated for years so were always worng.  I had to go regularly to the office and while I can speak spanish, I know of other people who have been able to communicate pointing at bill, shaking head at meter reading, writing down correct reading etc.  Better do it in person if possible.
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Re: Endesa problems
Reply #6 - Apr 25th, 2012 at 11:37am
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Many thanks for all your suggestions folks.
I have been at the office in Tortosa,i ask for Aprils bill,and was given last Aprils bill with an outstanding balance of 300 euros,i have never been asked for this all year,never missed a payment in 4 years here,never had a meter reading,or been asked to allow access for a meter reading.Need to move onto ombudsman bur cant till i get a reference number from Endesa,which they are unwilling to give.Basically there a nightmare to deal with,and will not accept they are in the wrong.Rant over and again thanks for your r Undecidedeplies.
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Re: Endesa problems
Reply #7 - Apr 25th, 2012 at 3:53pm
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Hi Northlea, sorry to hear about your awful experience with Endesa.  I'm confused as to where they got this figure of €300 from?  How can they bill  you if they havn't taken meter readings?  How can you have paid the bills for the past 4 years without giving them a meter reading?  It seems to just be a communication problem unless they have underestimated your actual electricity usage over the past number of years.  That happened to a neighbour of mine who doesn't live there permanently - they would visit for a number of weeks each year but Endesa couldn't read the meter so they only applied the standing charges for a few years so when the meter reading was finally given - they had a mighty high bill Cry
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Re: Endesa problems
Reply #8 - Apr 25th, 2012 at 4:39pm
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I had a similar problem a couple of years ago.

They never read my meter although it's the new type outside the house and quite visible, so they sent an estimated bill for months and months, this was right through the bad Winter we had.

Then during the Summer, when we are not around as often and obviously don't use as much power, they took out 1700 Euros in 3 separate payments from my bank account.

After several visits to their office in Mora d'Ebre, and arguments in Spanish (insults under my breath in English) I decided to go to the equivalent of the ombudsman, which is usually based at the Consell Comarcal in the bigger towns and cities, ours is Mora d'Ebre.

I wrote everything down in Spanish, showed evidence of the bills, the discrepancies of more power used during Summer than Winter etc etc etc.

They took my case on, and within a few weeks, I had several letters of apology, and they refunded me almost 700 Euros...........that's some huge mistake/misread meter/cockup/fiddle or whatever you want to call it.

Find somebody who can help you with the language Northlea and you should be able to find your Endesa account number at the top of any bill.

Also say you are going to change to another provider, that's always a good one, freedom of choice and competition arrives in Spain at last.

My 83 year old Dad always says they are between 25 and 50 years behind over here. Sometimes a good thing, other times not.

Hope this helps.
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