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 25 Loss of UK TV channels (Read 162738 times)
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Re: Loss of UK TV channels
Reply #225 - Jun 20th, 2014 at 11:18am
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My tv has the satellite receiver built into it. It is a 12 volt tv with a power supply which plugs into the mains for running off the mains as an option. How would a decoder fit ito this kind of setup - before the receiver orwould I need a seperate receiver and decoder which plugs into the normal arial socket?

Addvice would be appreciated. Also, Nigel, how much just for the decoder? I can align the dish easily myself since I used to install satellite systems myself around 20 odd years ago before everything got complicated and the market expanded so much.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Loss of UK TV channels
Reply #226 - Jun 20th, 2014 at 4:12pm
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You would need to use an external box and plug it into satellite and the AV or HDMI socket on the tv.

Yes I can supply box only for 130 euros BUT it is an absolute pig of a satellite to lock onto as it has a weak signal and is colocated between 2 satellites that are much stronger.
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