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 10 Dental Health ideas (Read 23124 times)
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Dental Health ideas
Mar 26th, 2016 at 8:15pm
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I have lived in Spain for over a year now and it seems that some people are struggling with their dental health. It appears that there is little support for the prevention of dental disease, tooth decay, acid erosion, periodontal disease and the care of dental work, implants, dentures and crowns etc.
A little knowledge goes a long way and self-help is one of the main ways of controlling your dental health. As a dental hygienist and oral health educator and thought that from time to time I might post a few ideas that might help out.  Grin
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #1 - Mar 26th, 2016 at 10:03pm
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I tink me need ur advice miss.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #2 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 9:50am
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Hi Ritaratbag, I am not advertising as I no longer work as a dental hygienists, I just thought people might like a few helpful tips. Is this ok?
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #3 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 3:38pm
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Sounds o.k.
Not many people like going to a dentist.
Must say that the ones near Lidl in Tortosa are good though.
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #4 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 4:21pm
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Sounds Good to me as well .
Would gladly welcome some
Free dental advice
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #5 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 11:01pm
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OK here goes. Read what you find useful and ignore what you don't. I hope it is helpful.

CARIES –Tooth Decay
What is tooth decay?
Tooth decay damages your teeth and leads to fillings or even extractions. Decay happens when sugar reacts with the bacteria in plaque in an area where food constantly gets stuck in the teeth. This forms the acids that attack the teeth and destroy the enamel. After this happens many times, the tooth enamel may break down, forming a hole or 'cavity' into the dentine. The tooth can then decay more quickly because dentine is a softer layer than enamel.
What can cause decay?
All sugars can cause decay. Sugar can come in many forms. Usually ingredients ending in ‘ose' are sugars, for example: sucrose, fructose and glucose are just three types. These sugars can all damage your teeth. Diet is the most important thing to control for the prevention of decay with the help of fluoride.
Many processed foods have sugar in them, and the higher up it appears in the list of ingredients, the more sugar there is in the product. Always read the list of ingredients on the labels when you are food shopping. Things like Tomato Ketchup etc. have a surprising amount of hidden sugar.
When reading the labels remember that 'no added sugar' does not necessarily mean that the product is sugar free. It just means that no extra sugar has been added. These products may contain sugars such as those listed above, or the sugars may be listed as 'carbohydrates'.
Tooth Erosion
Acidic food and drinks can cause erosion - the gradual dissolving of the tooth enamel, this can eventually lead to teeth becoming thin or even dissolved away. Acid erosion of the teeth is an up and coming problem since people are eating ‘healthier diets’ and more fruit or drinking fruit tea infusions and smoothies.  Listed below are the 'pH values' of some food and drinks. The lower the pH number, the more acidic the product. Anything with a pH value lower than 5.5 may cause erosion. 'Alkalis' have a high pH number and cancel out the acid effects of sugars. pH 7 is the middle figure between acid and alkali and teeth do not dissolve at this level.

•      mineral water (non-fizzy) pH 7.6
•      milk pH 6.9
•      cheddar cheese pH 5.9
•      lager pH 4.4
•      orange juice pH 3.8
•      grapefruit pH 3.3
•      pickles pH 3.2
•      cola pH 2.5
•      red wine pH 2.5
•      vinegar pH 2.0

What about snacks?
It is better for your teeth and general health if you eat 3 meals a day instead of having 7 to 10 snacks. It is not so much what you eat as how often you eat it that causes tooth erosion or decay. If you do need to snack between meals, choose foods that do not contain sugar. Fruit does contain acids, which can erode your teeth. This is only damaging to your teeth if you eat too frequently. Try not to have a lot of dried fruit as the sugar in it is more concentrated and the consistency of dried fruit can stick to your teeth.
If you do eat fruit as a snack, try to eat something alkaline such as cheese afterwards. Savoury snacks are better, such as:
•      cheese
•      raw vegetables
•      nuts
•      bread sticks.
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #6 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 11:05pm
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The main point to remember is that it is not the amount of sugar you eat or drink, but how often you do it. Sweet foods are allowed, but it is important just to have them at mealtimes. The more frequently you have something sugary during the day, the more attacks you get on your teeth -resulting in a higher rate of tooth decay.
To help reduce tooth decay, cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks and try to have sugar-free varieties. Sweets and chewing gum containing the artificial sweetener Xylitol may help to reduce tooth decay as this artificial sweetener is thought to inhibit the growth of bacteria. Sugary foods can also cause a range of health problems including heart disease and being overweight.
Still water and milk are good choices. It is better for your teeth if you drink fruit juices just at meal times. If you are drinking them between meals, try diluting them with water. They are full of sugar.
Diluted sugar-free fruit drinks are the safest alternative to water and milk. If you make these, be sure that the drink is diluted 1 part fruit drink to 10 parts water. Some soft drinks contain artificial sweeteners that are not suitable for young children.
Fizzy drinks can increase the risk of dental problems. The sugar can cause decay and the acid in both normal and diet drinks can dissolve the enamel on the teeth. The risk is higher when you have these drinks between meals.
Decay will affect your appearance and smile. Pain will eventually follow, then infection, then possible swelling and abscess. Then you may need a root filling or extraction. Without treatment it could mean septicaemia and death in extreme cases. This used to happen before dentistry, but cost of treatment is causing it to happen again in the UK and abroad. Toothache does not go away – something has caused it and it will get worse unfortunately.

•      Adults should use a toothpaste that contains at least 1,350 parts per million (ppm) fluoride.
•      Children don't need to use special "children's toothpaste". Children of all ages can use family toothpaste, as long as it contains 1,350-1,500ppm fluoride. Children aged six and under who don't have tooth decay can use a lower-strength children's toothpaste, but make sure it contains at least 1,000ppm fluoride. It is important that children DO NOT SWALLOW toothpaste as too much fluoride can cause internal staining of teeth whilst they are growing.
•      Below the age of three, children should use just a smear of toothpaste. Children aged three to six years should use a pea-sized blob of toothpaste. Make sure children don't lick or eat toothpaste from the tube.

Fluoride is the main thing that has reduced the rate of decay since it was introduced in toothpaste. It is the best thing to stop decay. When you brush your teeth, spit out the excess and do not rinse the toothpaste away.
Sodium fluoride – Is in most toothpastes as sodium monofluorophosphate.
Stannous fluoride – is in some of the Oral B toothpastes. This is considered excellent for the prevention of decay, although it is not new, it has only recently been developed so it can be used in toothpaste. Not for children under 11.
Fluoride makes the teeth less susceptible to demineralisation by plaque acids so help to prevent decay.
Other toothpastes such as Pronamel are supposed to help combat acid erosion, Sensodyne with Pro-argin helps with sensitivity. (See sensitivity in a later post).

There have been studies to determine whether or not mouth washes containing alcohol might cause mouth cancer with daily use. This had led to Alcohol Free mouthwashes becoming available. In the UK these are labelled as ‘AF’. I recommend that if you wish to use a mouthwash that you choose an alcohol free version, check the ingredients on the label before you buy it. Look for alcohol or ethanol. I use specific mouth washes for specific reasons. Not normally just for a daily cleaning routine.
Some mouthwashes combat gum conditions and some are for prevention tooth decay, some claim to do both. They should never be relied upon, brushing and cleaning between the teeth is the most important thing to do to keep your mouth healthy. Bacteria cannot be washed away, mouthwashes dilute it but do not remove it, and some ingredients disrupt the growth of bacteria.
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #7 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 11:09pm
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PERIODONTAL (GUM) DISEASE – known in the past as pyorrhoea
Causes, signs and symptoms of gum disease
Imagine a castle surrounded by a moat. The moat become full of toxic waste that soaks in underneath and dissolves and destroys the supporting structures of the castle until it collapses.
This is what happens in gum disease. There is a small moat like minute crevice completely surrounding each tooth, at the point where the gum meets the tooth. It becomes full of bacteria.  If it is not brushed away, the older bacteria becomes, it gets more and more nasty, it soaks down under the tooth destroying gum, bone and support for the teeth until they become loose and eventually fall out. Gum disease is affects 99.9% of people at some time in their life, it is the most common disease known to man.
The first sign of gum disease is slight redness, then bleeding on brushing. In worse cases you may experience spontaneous bleeding, say when you bite into an apple you gums bleed or when you wake up in the morning there is blood on your pillow.
The gums start to become slightly loose and come away (recede) from the teeth and sometimes there is a space or pocket between the gum and the tooth that traps more food and bacteria. This may lead to pain and gum abscesses. NOT the same as a tooth abscess. Eventually you notice that you have become ‘long in the tooth’, the gums shrink back as the supporting bone is destroyed.

Things that can worsen gum problems:
•      Smoking raises the temperature in the mouth so bacteria can thrive more easily. It dries out the mouth so bacteria is not washed away. The tiny blood vessels that feed the teeth and bring in antibodies to fight disease become narrowed when you smoke so the teeth have less chance of survival.
•      Diabetes - People with diabetes are more likely to have gum disease than people without it. This is probably because diabetics are more likely to get infections in general. People who do not know they have diabetes, or whose diabetes is not under control, are especially at risk. If you do have diabetes it is important that any gum disease is diagnosed, because it can increase your blood sugar. This would put you at risk of diabetic complications. Also, if you are diabetic, you may find that you heal more slowly. New research has also shown that you are more likely to develop diabetes if you have gum disease. If you have diabetes, you have an increased risk of losing teeth.
•      Other illnesses may also have an effect on your dental health.

•      Diet -dieting, vegetarians and dietary disorders, if you become short on certain vitamins and minerals it can have different effects on your mouth. For example if you are low on B vitamins and iron it can give you a sore mouth. If you cut out ANY food group you are at risk if you do not know what you are doing to replace what you are not getting. It is best to eat a balanced diet to make sure you obtain all the vitamins and minerals that you need. If you wish to lose weight, you need to burn off more calories than you are eating.

•      Medication – certain medication is known to have a detrimental effect on the gums and some may even exacerbate gum disease or cause dry mouth which may lead to a higher susceptibility to decay. Radiotherapy around the head and mouth can have terrible effects on the teeth.

•       Pregnancy or hormonal changes and illness - may all lead to higher susceptibility of gum disease.

•      Family history-you may have an increased susceptibility to gum disease if it runs in your family.

•      Lack of management - not cleaning well enough - due to incapacity or just not doing the job well enough or spending enough time. The main reason for this problem is that people are not taught how to clean their teeth properly and this is the fault of the dental profession.
Luckily with a little knowledge and a lot of hard work gum disease can be controlled. 
Is There a Link Between Gum Disease and Heart Disease?
Overall the data indicates that chronic gum disease may contribute to the development of heart disease, the UKs leading cause of death in both men and women.

How does this happen? Gum disease is a bacterial infection that can affect other conditions as well as your mouth. In heart disease, gum problems can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream where they attach to the fatty deposits in the heart blood vessels. This condition can cause blood clots and may lead to heart attacks.

If I Have Heart Disease, Are There Special Requirements to Maintain Proper Oral Health?
To maintain the best oral health, you should:
•      Establish and maintain a healthy mouth. This means brushing and flossing daily and visiting a dentist regularly.
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #8 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 11:11pm
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Prevention of Gum Disease
The mechanical removal of food and bacteria from the teeth by tooth brushing and interdental cleaning is the way to control gingivitis and periodontal disease. When you start a new routine your gums may bleed at first, this will improve as you remove more plaque and your gums improve.
If you miss one tiny bit each day a problem will develop. I have seen it happen and had it happen to myself. Bacteria is unforgiving. Cleaning your teeth properly takes time and effort. Even then, if you are susceptible to gum disease, you may struggle to slow down and control the problem. At least if you make the effort, you may keep most of your teeth and have no pain and also SAVE MONEY with less dental bills!!! Some people are more susceptible than others.
I recommend that you brush your teeth at least once per day to the best of your ability with an electric toothbrush for no less than 2 minutes. 4 minutes with a manual brush. The average time that people spend brushing their teeth is about 40 seconds!! Brush before meals, if you eat acidic/sugary food during a meal it will temporarily soften tooth enamel. If you brush immediately it will remove some of the softened (demineralized) enamel causing damage to the teeth over time. You should wait an hour before you brush your teeth giving the enamel chance to harden back up. (Re-mineralise).
The brushing technique is important. You should brush the inside, outside and top of every tooth with very short back-and-forth motions. Brush your teeth thoroughly but gently because rigorous brushing can irritate the gums and where away tooth at the join of the enamel to the root. Some bristles should clean at the gum line to remove as much oral bacteria as possible from the join where the teeth meet the gums (without wearing the tooth away).

After treating more than 100 patients per week for many years, I have come to the conclusion that electric toothbrushes are best. It’s a bit like using an electric drill to drill a hole in a tough wall, a hand drill would work but it would be difficult and less efficient.
There are a few electric toothbrushes (by this I mean rechargeable battery brushes) on the market, I have tried them all. I am sorry Colgate but I find your electric toothbrush a complete waste of money, inefficient and difficult to use.
The best I have found are the ones that go the fastest – Braun Oral B or Philips Sonicare. I prefer Braun but I have seen brilliant results with the Sonicare. It depends on personal preference and how good you are at using it.  I would even throw a pair of shoes out of my holiday suitcase in order to pack my electric toothbrush – that’s how important I think it is!! If I go camping I take a Braun battery brush that takes 2 AA batteries. It’s slow but still better than a manual brush. . I live with a solar electrical system but I still have a rechargeable toothbrush.

If you still prefer a manual toothbrush use one that is of MEDIUM strength, the reason being that too stiff a brush is like using a yard brush to sweep a kitchen. It isn’t flexible enough to get into all of the corners and leaves stuff behind. Do not use anything larger than ONE INCH or 2.5 CENTIMETRES if you prefer, a child’s brush if you cannot get a small enough adult one. This is because each tooth should be brushed individually not as a whole bank of teeth

Interdental Cleaning (removing bacteria and food from between the teeth)
This is so important I would advise that this should be done every day even if you don’t brush your teeth. Obviously I recommend that you brush your teeth at least once a day.
How to Floss
While your toothbrush can remove most plaque, it cannot clean between teeth. Flossing disrupts colonies of bacteria that form between on the teeth, which helps prevent gum disease. Take about 12 inches of floss. Wrap most of the floss around your middle (longest) fingers, and use your index fingers and thumb as a steady guide when flossing between teeth. Using just a couple of inches of floss, keep it pulled completely taught (tight), gently move the floss between each tooth in upward motions from the base of the tooth up. Be sure to make a curved shape with the floss around the bottom of your tooth so that the floss cleans slightly below the gum line. Make sure you are using a fresh area of floss between each tooth so that you are not moving plaque from tooth to tooth. Avoid using too much force because this can cut or scrape the gums. Waxed floss or dental tape is most effective and shreds the least.
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #9 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 11:14pm
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Bottle Brushes

Interdental bottle brushes have small bristled heads specially designed to clean between your teeth. They are available from pharmacies and come in different widths to suit the sizes of the gaps between your teeth. You may need to use more than one size of brush.
How to use interdental brushes
•      use a brush appropriate for the size of the space between your teeth at least once daily
•      insert the brush gently between your teeth – don't try to force the brush into the space
•      if you work to a pattern round the whole of your mouth, it will help you not to miss out any of the spaces
What if my gums bleed?
When you first start using interdental brushes, your gums may be tender and bleed a little as you start to get rid of any plaque build-up. Carry on using the brushes and the bleeding should reduce as your gums become healthier.
If the bleeding doesn't stop after a few days, get advice from your dentist. They can check if you're using the interdental brushes correctly or if you need more help.
A single-tuft toothbrush is a toothbrush with a very small head which can be used to clean wisdom teeth and crooked teeth effectively. There are various shapes of brush head. The effectiveness of cleaning by different shapes of the brush head is similar.

It is used to clean the areas that is difficult to be reached by conventional toothbrush, such as:
     •      Wisdom teeth
Method of use:
Place the bristles at the gum margin of the wisdom tooth and brush gently to clean every tooth surface.      
     •      Crooked teeth
Method of use:
Place the bristles over the tooth area where conventional toothbrush cannot reach and brush gently.      

Dental Water Jets
An oral irrigator (also called a dental water jet) is a home care device that uses a stream of pulsating water to remove plaque and food debris between teeth and below the gum line and improve gum health. This should be used at the end to clear anything that cannot be removed by other methods.

Sensitive teeth on brushing or to cold is mainly self-inflicted as we can brush too hard for many years damaging the neck of the teeth where the enamel meets the root. This exposes the softer underneath substance that can allow pain stimulus to reach the tooth nerve through microscopic tubules when it feels cold, heat or touch. Sometimes sensitivity pain can be due to trauma, tooth fracture or decay. Sensitivity can be severe and be extremely painful but it can be cured or better still prevented. Sensitive toothpaste blocks the microscopic tubules and helps prevent sensitivity, if you continue with a traumatic brushing technique it will keep wearing away the tooth and opening the minute dental tubes that transmit stimulus to the nerve and give sensitivity. So you have a vicious circle.

Diet – vitamins, minerals for dental health

Nutrient      What you need it for
Protein      Tooth structure, mucosal/connective tissue development, and immune function.
Calcium      Tooth structure; may enhance enamel remineralization.
Phosphorus      Tooth structure.
Zinc      Mucosal/connective tissues and immune function.
Antioxidants      Mucosal/connective tissues and immune function.
Folate      Mucosal/connective tissues and immune function; low levels are associated with periodontal disease.
Iron      Mucosal/connective tissues and immune function.
Vitamin A      Mucosal/connective tissues and immune function. But be aware that getting too much from supplements may result in gum problems.
Vitamin C      Collagen maturation and to maintain the integrity of the periodontal ligament; mucosal/connective tissues and immune function.
Omega-3 fats      Mucosal/connective tissues and immune function; helps control the inflammatory response.
Vitamin D      Mucosal (mouth covering inside)/connective tissues, immune system; may enhance enamel remineralization. (Hardening of enamel).
B vitamins      Epithelial (outer skin) cell turnover.
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #10 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 11:17pm
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Ulcers are breaks in the skin of the mouth that become infected and painful.
Stress is a major cause of ulcers.
Trauma – be careful not to damage your mouth when you brush your teeth – this may lead to an ulcer developing.
Food allergy or acidic food - too much of – kiwi pineapple beetroot in vinegar. Anything acidic –too many may cause a sore mouth
Use SLS free toothpaste - Sodium Lauryl Sulphate is a cleaning agent in toothpaste and some people have a reaction to it.
Treatment: A soft diet is recommended without things with sharp edges like crisps. Warm hot salt water mouth washes to disinfect the area and relieve the pain. Other things can be bought from the chemist to cover and protect the ulcer.
Mouth cancer is on the rise. Anything that you notice has been in your mouth for more than 14 days duration should be checked out.

Dry mouth means a lack of saliva. If you have a lack of saliva then bacteria and food are not diluted or washed away from your teeth. Saliva contains natural ingredients that help neutralise acid in your mouth so lessening the rate of tooth decay and protect your mouth from infection and attack. It moisturises the soft tissues (skin) of the mouth preventing it from becoming dry and painful. If you have reduced saliva production you will be lacking its beneficial effects.
Does your mouth feel dry and sticky when you first wake up in the morning? Do you feel the urge to drink lots of water? Dry mouth can make it hard for you to swallow, chew your food or speak clearly. With a dry mouth your teeth can decay very quickly, and sometimes there are no warning signs for this condition.
Untreated dry mouth can also contribute to bad breath, and sometimes others will notice the stale odour.
Dry mouth is a daily problem that makes you feel uncomfortable while you swallow, eat or speak.
It is a condition in which you do not produce enough saliva (spit) to keep your mouth feeling wet. Your physician or nurse does not always talk about dry mouth as a side effect when they give you a prescription for medicine, but dry mouth can be caused by the medicine you take.
Whatever you do, don't stop taking your medicine but mention dry mouth to your nurse as soon as you can. Dry mouth can also be a sign of diseases and other conditions like diabetes - so make sure you
•      Dry or sticky feeling in the mouth like your mouth is stuffed with cotton balls.
•      Burning feeling in mouth or tongue and sometimes tongue feels like shoe leather.
•      Difficulty or discomfort when chewing, swallowing or speaking.
•      Dry lips and throat or mouth sores.
1.      Are you taking one or more prescription drugs on a daily basis?
2.      Does your mouth feel sticky and dry when you wake up in the morning?
3.      Do you have difficulty swallowing or speaking?
4.      Do you sip a lot of water to keep your mouth from feeling dry?
5.      Does your throat feel dry and does your mouth sometimes burn?
6.      Does your tongue burn or has it changed to a darker red colour?
7.      Does your tongue sometimes feel as dry as shoe leather?
8.      Do you sometimes get mouth or tongue sores that will not go away?
9.      Does the amount of saliva in your mouth seem to be too little?
10.      Do you sip liquids to aid in swallowing dry foods?
11.      Does your mouth feel dry after eating a meal?
If you responded "yes" to one or more questions, you have dry mouth problems and this effects your oral health.
•      Sip room-temperature water throughout the day and night and carry a water bottle with you at all times.
•      Avoid drinking lots of water at an extreme water temperature (very hot or very cold).
•      Only drink sugarless drinks and avoid carbonated beverages.
•      Avoid drinks with caffeine because caffeine can dry out the mouth. Drinking coffee, tea or a diet fizzy drinks occasionally is OK but don't overdo it.
•      While eating a meal, make sure you include a beverage like still water. Drink water before, during and after the meal.
•      Chew sugar free gum or suck on sugar free sweets to stimulate salivary flow.
•      If you smoke or drink alcohol. Both alcoholic beverages and smoking dry out the mouth and make you more susceptible to gum diseases and oral cancer.
•      Elect an alcohol-free over-the-counter FLUORIDE mouthwash if you are in the habit of using a mouthwash. (Mouth washes containing alcohol may cause mouth cancer). Read the label and make sure alcohol is not listed as an ingredient.
•      Use a toothpaste that does not contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate as this may cause a sore mouth.
•      Try using a night-time humidifier to moisten room air. There are artificial saliva products available for severe problems.
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #11 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 11:18pm
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The main reason that implants fail is that they are not cleaned well enough. Either they are not fitted so that you cannot clean them well enough. Or that no-one has taught you how to look after them properly. Or just not bothering to clean them well enough. Implants are fitted straight into the bone, they have no protective ligaments like the teeth so destruction of the supporting bone and gum disease will happen at a faster rate than with normal teeth.
Cleaning techniques for implants include the lasso technique with special floss, interdental brushes, electric toothbrushes and water jets. It is necessary to remove as much plaque as possible from the necks of the implants and there threads to prevent peri-implantitis – this is the name for gum disease of implants and it takes time and effort to prevent it happening.

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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #12 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 11:21pm
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Plaque bacteria sticks to all hard surfaces in your mouth. Removable partial or full dentures require proper care to keep them clean, free from stains and looking their best. For good denture care:
Take out your dentures over night or at least for one hour a day to rest your mouth and give it air. This will help prevent thrush like infections. Partial dentures can hold food and bacteria against your natural teeth leading to decay of the remaining teeth.
•      Remove and rinse dentures after eating. Run water over your dentures to remove food debris and other loose particles. You may want to place a towel on the counter or in the sink or put some water in the sink so the dentures won't break if you drop them.
•      Handle your dentures carefully. Be sure you don't bend or damage the plastic or the clasps when cleaning.
•      Clean your mouth after removing your dentures. Use a medium-bristled toothbrush on natural teeth.
•       Brush your dentures at least daily. Gently clean your dentures daily by soaking and brushing with a non-abrasive denture cleanser to remove food, plaque and other deposits. If you use denture adhesive, clean the grooves that fit against your gums to remove any remaining adhesive. Do not use denture cleansers inside your mouth.
•      Acrylic dentures- after brushing soak in one small drop of thin sodium hypochlorite (Miltons solution or similar) diluted in 250 ml of water for 15 minutes. Rinse well with water. Then soak dentures overnight. Most types of dentures need to remain moist to keep their shape. Place the dentures in water overnight. For special dentures follow the manufacturer's instructions on cleaning and soaking solutions.
•      Metal based dentures (chrome cobalt) – follow the same procedure as for acrylic dentures but only soak in one drop of sodium hypochlorite diluted in 250 ml of water for 5 minutes. Then rinse well and soak dentures in water overnight. Soaking too long or with too strong a solution of sodium hypochlorite will tarnish the metal of chrome cobalt dentures.
•      Rinse dentures before putting them back in your mouth. The soaking solution contains harmful chemicals that cause vomiting, pain or burns if swallowed.
•      Schedule regular dental check-ups. Your dentist can also check the inside of your mouth to make sure it's healthy. People that wear dentures should also be checked for mouth cancer like the rest of the population.
Here are a few things you should avoid:
•      Abrasive cleaning materials. Avoid stiff-bristled brushes, strong cleansers and harsh toothpaste, as these are too abrasive and can damage your dentures.
•      Whitening toothpastes. Toothpastes advertised as whitening pastes are especially abrasive and generally should be avoided on dentures.
•      Hot water. Avoid hot or boiling water that could warp your dentures.

Bridges are permanent false teeth stuck at one, or both ends to natural teeth to replace a missing tooth. Dental work no matter how well placed, will have ledges and areas that will trap more plaque than natural teeth. The gum line should be thoroughly brushed and you should use special floss to clean UNDER the bridge work every day to prevent gum disease and tooth decay of the supporting structures.

This can be very damaging to the teeth and skin tissues of the mouth if the procedure is carried out by a non-professional. There are many home products on the market including tooth whitening or smokers toothpastes. These are extremely abrasive and eventually may lead to tooth wear and sensitivity or worse. You need to know the product and how to use it – or not use some of them at all!!
Sore mouth or cracks at the side of the mouth. Tongue problems & Burning mouth syndrome.
Some of these things may be due to stress improper diet -lack of vitamins, minerals. Vegetarian diets may be short of certain vitamins if not carefully planned. Other things may cause a sore mouth such as under lying illnesses. The rule is, if you have something that does not improve for 14 days, get it checked out by a professional.

Wisdom teeth.
Why do we have wisdom teeth?
Adults can have up to 32 teeth. The wisdom teeth are the last to appear, right at the back of the mouth. They usually appear when you are between 17 and 25, but sometimes they appear many years later.
People often have jaws that are too small for all 32 teeth to fit - 28 is often the most we have room for. So if all the other teeth are present and healthy there may not be enough space for the wisdom teeth to come through properly.
Do wisdom teeth always cause problems?
If there is enough room they will usually come through into a useful position and cause no more problems than any other tooth.
Often there will be some slight discomfort as they come through, but this will disappear once the tooth is fully in position.
What is an impacted wisdom tooth?
If there is not enough room, the wisdom tooth may try to come through, but will get stuck against the tooth in front of it. The wisdom tooth will be at an angle, and will be described as 'impacted'.
What problems may occur?

If part of the wisdom tooth has appeared through the gum and part of it is still covered, the gum flap may become sore and perhaps swollen. This is called ‘pericoronitis'. Bacteria and bits of food can collect under the gum edge, and it will be difficult to clean the area properly.

This is a temporary problem that can be dealt with by using special cleaning methods, mouthwashes and possibly antibiotics if it very severe. If the problem keeps coming back, it may be better to have the tooth removed.
What can I do to help relieve the discomfort of wisdom teeth?
A mouthwash of medium-hot water with a teaspoonful of salt will help to reduce gum soreness and inflammation (check that it is not too hot before using it). Swish the salt water around the tooth, trying to get into the areas your toothbrush cannot reach. Do this several times a day. An antibacterial mouthwash containing chlorhexidine can also reduce the inflammation (this can cause brown staining on the teeth). Pain-relieving tablets such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can also be useful in the short term. The tablets should always be swallowed and not placed on the area.
What if this does not help?
If the pain does not go away or if you find it difficult to open your mouth, you should see a dentist. They will be able to see the cause of the problem, and give you the right advice. They may clean around the tooth very thoroughly, and may prescribe an antibiotic.
What are the main reasons for taking wisdom teeth out?
Far fewer wisdom teeth are now taken out than in the past. If the tooth is not causing problems, your dentist will not want to remove it. They will only remove wisdom teeth:
•      when it is clear that they will not be able to come through into a useful position because there is not enough room, and they are also causing some pain or discomfort
•      if they have only partly come through and are decayed - these teeth will often decay as it will be difficult to clean them as thoroughly as your other teeth
•      if they are painful.

Why X-rays are taken.
X-rays are taken to see the position of the root or to see any damage to the tooth structure beneath the gum level or if there is an abscess, and to decide whether there is room for a wisdom tooth to come through into a useful position. X-rays can also show how good the bone is that is supporting your teeth and if there is any periodontal (gum) disease.

A good link for dental care ideas:

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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #13 - Mar 30th, 2016 at 11:24pm
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That is as much as I could think of for now. Sorry it is soooo long but there is a lot to talk about when trying to prevent dental problems.
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Re: Dental Health ideas
Reply #14 - Aug 23rd, 2016 at 9:59am
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Good on you for the free share of your obvious indepth knowledge... I use coconut oil bicarbonate soda with peppermint and tea tree essential oils as an alternative to toothpaste to reduce exposure to fluoride, getting enough of that via the water, its highly toxic to the human system...
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