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 10 Cat and Carp in the Ebro (Read 27782 times)
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Cat and Carp in the Ebro
May 11th, 2016 at 10:07am
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I have heard from various sources that the Spanish government in Madrid have decided to kill all the Carp and remove all the Catfish from the entire river. They are planning to use a virus to kill all the Carp and commercially fish out all the Catfish. This comes after Caspe just held the world championships for Cat and Carp fishing. How crazy are they?

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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #1 - May 11th, 2016 at 12:34pm
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We were told that Cat fish were being caught, by the authorities here a while ago.
They do not want them in the Ebro.
They were going to be transported away to countries where they eat them?
But these fish had so much mercury/toxins?in them that they had to be destroyed.
I cannot believe that they need to remove carp.
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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #2 - May 11th, 2016 at 1:04pm
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I have looked on Google for Spanish Government planning to kill fish etc but nothing comes back. Any body got any definite information?
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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #3 - May 11th, 2016 at 1:52pm
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Update, today. Medio Ambiente.
The authorities are not carrying out this procedure to kill
Carp and Catfish in the river.
But state that no live bait or worms are to be used when fishing.
All Catfish must be killed when caught.
Carp are now described as a natural species in the area and not alien.
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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #4 - May 11th, 2016 at 5:20pm
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According to the guides that I talk to this is not a local thing, the decisions are being made in Madrid. I hope they are wrong as I am a fisherman but the decisions being made regarding fishing in general are ruining the sport in this region. Instead of helping fisherman to enjoy there experience most anglers that I know cannot keep up with the changing regulations and if you do something wrong the fines can be very expensive. If you have to kill a Catfish, which I will not do, what do you do with the dead fish and remember they can be up to 250lb. There are no facilities for this and throwing them back in the river cannot be a good idea either.

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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #5 - May 11th, 2016 at 6:17pm
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Best to talk to someone who works locally with Medio Ambiente.
Yes, there was a discussion in Madrid a while ago.
But they are not going to kill the fish here, even though they don't want them.
It has always been that Catfish should not be in the river here?
So they have wanted the anglers to kill them.
Like I posted before, they did try to catch / net several to get rid of some a few years ago. Impossible now.
Like you say there are monsters.
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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #6 - May 12th, 2016 at 2:04pm
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Far from being sorted out they are still trying to implement these far reaching costly and futile measures . There was a protest march in Merida in  Extremadura on 23rd April attended by upwards of 70,000 people . There is another planned for Madrid on 5th June where they may be expecting double that number . There is a link on facebook . Plataforma en defensa de la pesca ......where there is more information .There is some good video footage on youtube under that heading also on youtube search" Manifestación contra la Ley 42/2007 de Especies Exóticas Invasoras, Mérida 23/04/2016"
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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #7 - May 18th, 2016 at 11:09am
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This was put on Facebook today by the agents rurals. Anyone good at translating?
Google did a poor job.
El cos d’Agents Rurals va atrapar l’any passat a Osona divuit pescadors furtius, la majoria al pantà de Sau. En el que portem d’any, ja se n’han denunciat sis, tot i que els mesos de més activitat encara han d’arribar. D’aquests pescadors furtius n’hi que ho fan com a activitat lúdica o esportiva i altres que pesquen per menjar-se posteriorment els exemplars. La llei obliga a tenir la llicència de pesca vigent i un permís per fer-ho en cas que sigui una zona de pesca controlada. Tampoc es poden utilitzar més de dues canyes i si es capturen espècies al·lòctones –que han estat introduïdes al medi– no es poden tornar a l’aigua. Als pescadors furtius se’ls denuncia i se’ls comissen les canyes.

L’última denúncia que van fer els Agents Rurals a Osona va ser a finals d’abril. Es va atrapar al pantà de Sau un pescador furtiu que utilitzava esquer prohibit, llançava quatre canyes a la vegada i no sacrificava les espècies invasores que pescava. En el cas dels furtius que ho fan com a activitat esportiva, les principals irregularitats són que no disposen de la llicència o els permisos necessaris. Però també perquè en alguns casos retornen al riu els peixos que acaben pescant, fet que prohibeix la llei de pesca continental de Catalunya quan es tracta d’espècies considerades invasores, com són gairebé totes les que es pesquen en aquests moments al pantà de Sau, segons explica Quim Dalmau, cap dels Agents Rurals d’Osona. La majoria de les persones que practiquen aquest tipus de pesca són gent que ve de fora de la comarca d’Osona, sobretot de l’àrea metropolitana.

Un altre tipus de pescador furtiu són els que pesquen al pantà de Sau per aconseguir peixos per menjar-se’ls. Es tracta de persones procedents de l’Europa de l’Est i països asiàtics on el consum d’aquestes espècies és habitual i sovint ho fan per necessitat, explica Dalmau. En aquests casos, a més de no disposar dels permisos que exigeix la llei, el problema és que acostumen a pescar amb més de dues canyes per intentar atrapar el màxim nombre d’exemplars. També s’ha detectat al pantà de Sau persones que utilitzaven xarxes prohibides. A més de sancionar-los, els agents els requisen el material que utilitzen per pescar. Les canyes es guarden en dipòsit fins que paguen la multa. Quan han passat cinc anys i no les han reclamat, les canyes es destrueixen.

Del silur a la lucioperca

La majoria d’espècies que es troben en aquests moments al pantà de Sau són al·lòctones, introduïdes de forma furtiva, sobretot per a la pràctica de la pesca esportiva. Una de les espècies que més ha augmentat darrerament tant al riu Ter com al pantà de Sau és la lucioperca (o sandra). El cap dels Agents Rurals d’Osona, Quim Dalmau, alerta que fa uns mesos es va detectar un creixement sobtat de la població d’aquesta espècie, fet que fa sospitar que se’n va fer una introducció il·legal. El rei de la pesca lúdica, però, continua sent el silur, procedent del nord d’Europa i que pot arribar a tenir unes grans dimensions. Ja fa uns anys que es va introduir a Sau, i en el cas de pantans situats al riu Ebre, com el de Mequinença o Riba-roja, s’ha convertit en un gran atractiu turístic per la zona. Altres espècies que es pesquen a Sau són el peix gat, la perca americana, el peix sol i l’alburn, aquest últim un peix molt petit que és la principal font d’alimentació del silur. La carpa també és abundant i apreciada pels pescadors esportius. Tot i que va ser introduïda fa anys ara ja es considera autòctona. La presència d’aquestes espècies invasores en els últims anys al riu Ter i al pantà de Sau ha tingut un impacte molt negatiu en les autòctones.

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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #8 - May 18th, 2016 at 12:26pm
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Will ask my neighbour later on, when he cones home from work.
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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #9 - May 18th, 2016 at 8:18pm
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I think this is a fairly good (non Google!) translation...

The (body of) the Agents Rurals in Osona caught 18 people fishing illegally last year, the majority in the Sau reservoir. This year 6 have already been reported, and the busy months have not yet arrived. Of these fishermen there were some who were recreational,or sport, fishing and others who were fishing to then eat the catch. The law requires a fishing licence in force to fish in controlled fishing areas. Nor can they use more than two rods and if they catch non native species that have been introduced they cannot be returned to the water. The recreational fishermen are reported and their rods confiscated.

The last report made by the Agents Rurals in Osona was at the end of April. They caught a recreational fisherman in the Sau reservoir who was using illegal (prohibited) bait, had 4 rods at once and did not kill the invasive species that he caught. In the case of recreational, which is viewed as sports, the main irregularity is not having the necessary licence. But also in some cases because they return caught fish which the Catalunyan fishing laws prohibit as the fish are considered invasive species, as are almost all species that are fished at the moment in the Sau reservoir, as explained Quim Dalmau, head of the Agents Rurals of Osona. The majority of the people who practice this type of fishing are people from outside the comarca of Osona, particularly the metropolitan area.

The other type of recreational fisherman are people who fish the Sau reservoir to obtain fish to eat. This tends to be people from eastern Europe and Asian countries whose consumption of these species normal, and they (fish) for necessity, explains Dalmau. In these cases, apart from not having the licence as required by law, they are accustomed to fish with more than two rods to try to catch the maximum number of (fish) examples. Also in the Sau reservoir people have been detected usin prohibited nets. As well as fining them, the agents confiscate the material used for fishing. The rods are held as deposit until they pay the fine. If after 5 years they haven't been reclaimed the rods are destroyed.

From the silur (catfish)  to the lucioperca (I guess a type of fish)

The majority of the species that are found at the moment in the Sua reservoir are non-native, introduced (can't think of the English but 'slyly', hidden, on the quiet...) above all for sport fishing. One of the species that has grown (population) most in the river Ter as well as the Sau is the lucoperca (or Sandra). The head of the Agents Rural of Osona, Quim Dalmau, warned that a few months ago they had detected a huge increase in this species, they suspect that they had been introduced illegally. The king of the pleasure fishing, however, continues to be the silur (catfish), which comes from northern Europe, and which can grow to a huge size. Already it is some years since it was introduced in the Seu, and in the case of the reservoirs situated along the River Ebro, such as Mequinenza and Riba Roca, it has become a great tourist attraction for the area. Other species that are fished in Sau are the cat fish, American perch, sun fish and tha alburn, this last is a very small fish that is the principle food of the silur (catfish). The carp as well is abundant and liked by sports fishermen. All that were introduced years ago now are considered native. The presence of these invasive species in the last years in the river Ter and the Sau reservoir has had a big negative impact on the native species.
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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #10 - May 18th, 2016 at 9:29pm
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Great Nigel. Thanks for that.
We have often gone fishing here, (we do have licences) and had people turn up right at the side of us.
They come with several collapsable type rods, and use live bait. Really makes us angry.
Pity no one has been round checking on them.
By the way the species of fish Sandra, is also known as Zander, for anyone who is interested.
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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #11 - Jun 6th, 2016 at 7:21pm
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Latest news on the protest yesterday translated

Several thousand fishermen and hunters have concentrated this afternoon in Madrid's Plaza de Colon to demand the government removal catalog Invasive Species species like carp, rainbow trout, pike or largemouth bass, introduced in 50s in the Spanish rivers.

The protest attended by representatives of associations of fish farms, federations of hunting and fishing and entities of almost all the autonomous communities, who have read manifestos in defense of his activity and carried banners "Changing the law of invasive species", "No we kill them we enjoy "or" enough. "

Catalogue of Invasive Alien Species in force since 2013, did not initially include the aforementioned specimens, but a Supreme Court last March forced the executive to include them on the basis of scientific reports of damage caused in the Spanish rivers where they were introduced for sport fishing .

In that vein, the implementation of the judgment shall involve the prohibition of breeding and trade them for sale or to release them in rivers, and will require fishermen to be made with them can not return them, as now occurs in much of the fishing sporty.

Agusti Albiol, of the Platform in Defense of Fisheries, recalled that organizations "have already achieved the Popular Party and the Socialist Party and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and many people affected have submitted proposition of law in They are requesting the interim suspension of the judgment "of the Supreme.

In his view, the mentioned fish species included in the catalog of invasive "carry in our waters more than two thousand years ago" and "to keep the sentence in these terms thousands of companies will have to close and thousands of workers will lose their jobs" .

According to the Platform in Defense of Fisheries "the sector will suffer losses of 3,000 million euros".

"Workers of more than a hundred farms of all Spain we are helpless against the judgment of the Supreme steelhead has no invasive potential," said Curro Villarreal, spokesman for the Organization of Producers Fish Farmers, who produce between 5,000 and 6,000 tons non-native trout a year.

José Luis Bruna, president of the Spanish Federation of Fishing and Casting argues that claim today is "the rural world against urbanite" and insists that the activity of sport fishermen "has always coexisted with the environment" and that those invasive species "are naturalized".

In the protest they chanted slogans against hard environmentalists as "environmentalists murderers" or "how many times have you seen environmentalists cleaning rivers."

Representatives of the Royal Spanish Hunting Federation (RFEC), the official body representing all Spanish hunters, have also attended the concentration to demand "categorically" the outgoing government of the next general election commitment "to respect and defense hunting, rural and fishing. "

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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #12 - Jun 23rd, 2016 at 4:29pm
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Latest news translate .

Communiqué of the municipality of caspe concerning the catalogue of invasive alien species
The City of caspe wants to make public and reiterate that following the publication in the official State Gazette Dated 17 June 2016, the judgment of the supreme court in which it was to be part of the appeal filed by several associations to introduce in green The Spanish catalog of invasive alien species to the common carp, among other species, that fishing conditions are the same, which allows for the exercise of fishing in our reservoir of the "Sea of aragon", In both the autonomous community of Aragon not adapt their legislation to that sentence.
Make public and also reiterate that the Spanish Federation of fishing and casting has expressed his intention to use every means at their disposal in order to invalidate this sentence.
To this end, has the support of this corporation in the plenary session on 30 may 2016, agreed to adopt the accession to the platform in defense of the fisheries and the motion that urges the ministry of Agriculture, Food and environment to amend the law 42/2007 of natural heritage and biodiversity, in the terms enough and needed to get to the incorporation of the species previously described as non-indigenous species naturalized, following this way, the provision of the EU 2008 where recommends to the member countries that include these naturalized as non-Indigenous, a fact that has been produced in countries such as France, England, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Holland and Belgium.
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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #13 - Jul 25th, 2016 at 10:37am
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Agent Rurals and Mossos are taking a serious interest in angling practices on the lower Ebro. We have been warned that using livebait and any other dead fish baits is strictly prohibithed (fines upto €6000 per rod)!!!
Also anyone who releases a captured catfisdh will face MASSIVE fines (their words).......
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Re: Cat and Carp in the Ebro
Reply #14 - Jul 25th, 2016 at 7:41pm
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Yet again mixed messages about the fishing . This is a recent quote from one of the guides in another forum which I hope he will not mind me repeating on this one .
     Great news today the president of Catalonia visited our little village of riba roja today and the talk was mostly about the fishing and tourism . He has said that Catalonia will not enforce the stupid laws that the environmentalists are trying to bring in and reassured the fishing in Catalonia will always continue. The news was well received with emotions being high in the town as riba roja relies on the tourism that the fishing brings in, so much so the mayor was shedding tears as its a relief to hear such news in a worrying time .

The livebait and fishbait issue has always had the threat of fines .......don't use them !
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