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 25 Illegal build "Amnesty" (Read 25255 times)
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Illegal build "Amnesty"
Aug 4th, 2011 at 7:00pm
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Has anyone heard about an amnesty that allows you to "legalise" your building ? Speaking to someone in Tortosa on Saturday they mentioned that a friend had been throught the process recently, took two or three weeks and had to pay 3 or 4 € per sq meter ???

All seemed fairly detailed to me and didn't sound like a hoax.
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George an Mildred
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #1 - Aug 4th, 2011 at 7:37pm
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Having legalised our house have since found out..It's not worth the paper it's written on ,because you still can't get a cedula which you need to get electric etc,never mind if you want to sell..!!!!That's another mine field.. Cry
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #2 - Aug 5th, 2011 at 12:57am
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Which adjuntament do you fall under? George and Mildred what paper work was required to get your building legalized. My finca house was registered at the time of purchase what else is required to get the cedula.
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #3 - Aug 5th, 2011 at 9:56am
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Hmm, I would like to hear more details. A Cedula or selling aren't my worries. My biggest worries are someone turning up to knock my house down or landing me with a huge fine. If this legalisation process would stop that I'm in!
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #4 - Aug 5th, 2011 at 9:13pm
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Mmm! an amnesty eh! waz that a pig flying by ?
how are all the solicitors going to earn a living if all the properties were legalized,
ive been waiting for nearly 5 yrs to find out what is going to happen  with my place,5 yrs holidays down the drain umpteen thousand euros and still the court case drags on,
you would think that a country that has gained tens of thousands or maybe millions of euros from unsuspecting incomers would realise they were onto a good thing and see sense and try to keep them here instead of chasing them away, Angry
it was their appointed officials that were also gaining from all these property deals and lets not forget the few dodgy estate agents ,who could forget them!the rotten apples in the barrel that have screwed it up for the decent agents that at least helped some people and who are still here trying to save what little business there is left to get.
god bless catalunya  Undecided
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Re: tax on dwelling
Reply #5 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 11:46am
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Well I wish I could find the article I read that stated if you pay tax on your house and tax on your rural land you are entitled to live there. Which I do . Base also told me dont complain about paying your house tax(domicilia) tax as I am one of the few who have it and no one can stop me from living there. Also it increases the value of the land. Otherwise if your building(s) are not legalised your FORMAL valuation of the property equates the building as  only being worh 10% of the value fo the land.
What taxes are you paying @gyronut44?
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #6 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 3:25pm
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hi ebrovoice, i registered my building with base back in 2006 or 2007 and have been paying 50 euros a year since then ,and have never used it in all that time,i was told not to go near it ,it was classed as an illegal build,its sitting deteriorating year after year and i am out of pocket to the tune of 250 euros or so for the tax,not to mention the cost of the land and a new built building,
this is the worst thing that has ever happened to me, all because i believed an estate agent,probably my own fault for being so trusting in the first place , Embarrassed
now i have solicitors cleaning me out with no idea which way this is going to go,all i want is the use of the place, Sad
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George an Mildred
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #7 - Aug 6th, 2011 at 7:44pm
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We legalised ours 4 years ago .
Is now a vivienda and the tax.s are 400e a year,but we still can't have a cedula because it was built after 1984..

They now say we can legaly live there ,but we can never have electricity, as european law  states they should give all dwellings electric..That's not to say they will pay for it,You still have to pay for it yourself ,but without the cedula it's a no go..We have architects drawings etc all stamped and official..,but missing one vital piece..The building licence...

So ,there you go .
.That's a good enough reason not to give the cedula..As they will then have to supply certain services..

Whats so annoying is 3 years ago we could have walked in and got a cedula,but were told it was not nessecery..More advice from agents. Angry.Like they used to say.."look there's an electric pole on your land,that means you can just get it connected up"..I wonder were they got all she bull ---- from.. Angry

They also said Just get the roof on and finish it of .In 7 years it will be legal....Well, ours has been built for just over 11 years and no chance of getting anywhere.. Cry

So now,,,6kpoorer (thanks to paying legalisation fees and back tax's  and still in the same boat... Cry
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #8 - Aug 7th, 2011 at 9:11pm
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Hi gyronut I have sent you a PM
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #9 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 6:28pm
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Hi We just legalised our house. It took about 3 weeks and we also have the "cedula" so that we can sell. You won't have any problems doing it the way we did as long as the house is at least 6 years old and you haven't been stopped on any building.
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #10 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 6:39pm
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Could you tell us what the proceedure is then ? What town hall do you come under ?

We were "stopped" during a reform but subsequently got permission after we proved we were not enlarging, just repairing.
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #11 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 9:06pm
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Hi Nessie.
Could you give us more information, IE: is your property on rustic land, what authority are you under, was it a complete new build, did you get permission to build/reform.
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #12 - Aug 12th, 2011 at 12:12pm
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If you have been stopped at all, you can't go through the same procedure. Our house is on rustic land, it was a complete new build but it's over 6 years old. We don't have permission to build anything else. That's a different situation. What we went through was just to legalise houses that were built with no permssion and that are over 6 years old. Basically you're paying the fine before it gets sent to you. It's a lot cheaper if you get there first and you get all the paperwork and the "cedula" which you're not garantied if you're fined.
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #13 - Aug 12th, 2011 at 1:39pm
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How much did the process cost? Was it based on a valuation of the property? What would the fine have been instead approximately please?
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Re: Illegal build "Amnesty"
Reply #14 - Aug 12th, 2011 at 6:46pm
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It depends on the size of your house or how much your have built on to any of the original parts that were there before. It could cost between 3-5 thousand. It is quite a bit more if you get find. I'm not certain of the exact amount but if you get the fine you still might not have the paperwork.
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