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 10 Goldcar Car Rental (Read 10799 times)
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Goldcar Car Rental
Apr 25th, 2012 at 7:52pm
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Evening all,
              I rented a car from G*ld**r at Reus airport for 3 days on 11/4 and paid for a tank of fuel on the "amount for fuel remaining will be returned to your credit card a/c" deal for 3 day rentals - left 1/2 tank of fuel in the car and you've guessed it no refund yet, no return of 2 polite emails sent and not a dicky bird from the online rental agency used. Is it normal to wait 2 weeks or should I start naming and shaming - I took a pic of the fuel guage before I returned it just in case.
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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #1 - Apr 25th, 2012 at 10:18pm
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i have used goldcar 3 times in the last 7 months they have been great most of the time, just found out they have taken 2 payments out of my credit card the first one larger than i was told about the second i do not know why,i have emailed the company i booked through and no replies as yet
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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #2 - Apr 25th, 2012 at 11:49pm
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Interesting, we've used Gold Car at Reus and Barcellona without problems, but forwarned is forarmed.

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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #3 - Apr 26th, 2012 at 1:36pm
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Just an update - got an email from Goldcar to say that "having reviewed my contract" they have refunded the amount to my a/c - I'll wait and see. This refund should be automatic and instant - when you pay at the desk the payment you give is instantly deducted but yet it took 3 emails and threat of naming and shaming on various forums to get a response.
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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #4 - Apr 26th, 2012 at 2:40pm
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I hired a car from them for 5 days March 30-April 3 and I only used less than half a tank of diesel.  I know they don't refund on 5 day rentals but it's a total rip-off.  Why can't you bring back full like in other countries.  Everytime we hire a car the rental company wins - it's never empty Sad 

When I got the quote from an agency the rental cost was €89 and by the time i'd paid for the diesel and extra driver and insurance it was over €240 Undecided Talking about sharp practices - they're worse than Ryanair for extra charges.  I will think long and hard before using them again.
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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #5 - Apr 26th, 2012 at 3:27pm
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Furbiedoggy - Agreed, 3 days cost 173e including fuel - the "super insurance" at 12e per day is the big one, if you don't take it they take the excess (e600) from your cc a/c and retyrn it (they say) if the car is undamaged. If you have your own excess wainer insurance they stlii take the money and if you damage the car they get the e600 and you claim from your excess policy - each hire firm is the same hence the reason I'm buying a car and leaving it at the casa - a car for say 2000e would pay for itself within 18 months.
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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #6 - Apr 26th, 2012 at 3:33pm
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And another thing - I hired for 5 days a couple of years ago and the tank was 1/2 full so I siphoned it out into a gerry can rather than give it back - but 1 up for the punter - a friend of mine booked the exact same car from 2 companies through 2 web agencies , (he had trouble with one before) he got guff from the first who said if he didn't want to pay the extra excess charges then they couldn't give him the car - grand says he and walked 4 desks down and got one from Auriga - had great pleasure in giving the runt behind the counter the finger as he waved the keys at him !!!!  Rant over..
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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #7 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 11:01am
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Brian - I've thought of taking the fuel out of the tank as well but haven't really anywhere to store it Sad  Also thought about buying a run-around and leaving it in Tortosa but having weighed up the options, I don't spend enough time there to justify it.  4/5 weeks a year isn't enough and the way the Irish and spanish economies are heading - I don't see any prospect of spending any longer there in the foreseeable future. Cry
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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #8 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 2:39pm
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i have sent emails to doyouspain 3times and goldcar twice still waiting for a reply, the car was returned undamaged they should have charged me 135 euros, 60 of that was for returning the car to reus when i collected from elprat,they have taken a total of £240,02 i thought gold car where good upto this time,i have just bought a car to save on carhire costs which is over £1200 for my last 3 trips
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Here, wishing I was there

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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #9 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 6:00pm
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Robo - get on to your credit card company and demand to know why this money was taken without authorisation and ask for proof that you signed for the amounts removed - they can then take action on your behalf.
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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #10 - Apr 27th, 2012 at 10:52pm
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Used to own a car rental business at M/cr Airport and used to pull the fuel and cdw on the Americans mostly.It is nothing more than a money spinner to cover the low cost of the actual rental.The cdw is a legal con,so to speak.The car is fully covered by the cars insurance,the rental agency just frighten you to take out the extra cover.Unfortunatly there isn't a lot you can do except refuse it,you can in some circumstances put it on your own insurance but to be honest it really isn't worth the extra cost to yourself or the utter grief involved,check your credit card will cover you but be prepared to suffer the Spanish inquesition at the desk.Regarding the paying for a full tank,always go full to full or change rental agency,nobody brings a car back totally empty.
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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #11 - Apr 28th, 2012 at 2:28pm
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I will not use Goldcar again as apart from it being an old high mileage car,which obviously increases the risk of breakdowns,it was really supplied very dirty.
I complained when I returned the car,but they never had the decency to reply.
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Re: Goldcar Car Rental
Reply #12 - Apr 28th, 2012 at 2:56pm
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I will not be using them again either we used them at the start of April for a rental for 3 days we found them on holiday autos website and they were much cheaper initialy when we collected the car they claimed that our credit card was not being accepted so were had to pay for cdw by debit card and a tank of fuel which came to an extra 120 euros the car was grubby and the staff were unhelpful it would have been much easier and cheaper to haver hired a car from 1 of the usual car rental desks in the airport
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