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Here we go again... Catalunya independence again (Read 7824 times)
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Here we go again... Catalunya independence again
Jun 10th, 2017 at 3:33pm
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Here we go again...
On friday 9th June Carles Puigdemolt announced the next referéndum to determine Independence from Spain will be on 1st October 2017.

It appears though that support for Independence is falling..

Will us foreigners be able to vote? Who knows.. I'll try and keep you up to date.
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Re: Here we go again... Catalunya independence again
Reply #1 - Jul 22nd, 2017 at 11:10am
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Any more news on voting? I certainly will if I can.
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Re: Here we go again... Catalunya independence again
Reply #2 - Jul 22nd, 2017 at 11:35am
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Political crazyness....

Latest during the last two weeks is that:

- Carlos Puigdemont (Catalan president) told Oriel Junkers (second in command) to pay for the voting boxes (las urnas) but he won't do it alone. Artur Mas got into trouble for doing that last time.
- The Spanish government yesterday told the Catalan government they have to submit weekly accounts to the ministry of finance. This is to make sure they aren't spending public money to finance the referéndum. (Funny, they claim to have no money to pay the farmacias but have money to spend on the referéndum  Lips Sealed)
- If they are found to be funding the referéndum the central government will suspend all financing for Catalunya.
- Latest polling has shown support for Independence is falling, down to 41% whereas support for continuing to be part of Spain is rising, 48%
- This week the (non Independence) head of the Mossos de Esquadra resigned due to 'political pressure' and wes replaced by a pro Independence person.
- Same for 2 of the Catalan cabinet ministers. Both replaced by pro Independence people.

As to the voting, I haven't Heard anything but will keep checking.
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Undemocratic Catalunya
Reply #3 - Sep 4th, 2017 at 8:10pm
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It turns out that, as of now, almost 15% of the population of Catalunya will NOT have any rights to vote in the posible upcoming referéndum.

Democracy evidently isn't being recognised. Only Spanish nationals will have the right to vote so those of us that have lived here for years, pay taxes etc. will be excluded.

Did you know that there are over a million legally registered foreigners living in Catalunya?

So much for the grand words and gestures of Carles Puigdemont and his cronies and their talk of a democratic Catalunya, as ever politicians words are no more than lies to achieve what they personally want.
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Re: Here we go again... Catalunya independence again
Reply #4 - Sep 9th, 2017 at 6:24pm
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Dangerous times. They are setting the scene for some serious civil unrest. What does history teach us?
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Re: Here we go again... Catalunya independence again
Reply #5 - Sep 9th, 2017 at 9:37pm
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Problem is they dont teach it .So no one learns.
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Re: Here we go again... Catalunya independence again
Reply #6 - Sep 10th, 2017 at 12:13pm
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The latest news:

- This week the Generalitat illegally passed a law for the referendum. They obviously see themselves above the law and can break it as they wish.

- They sent letters to all the town halls obliging them to provide locations for the voting to take place. If they do, however, they will be breaking the law and exposing the public employees to possible legal repercussions.

- 600 of the 948 town halls have consented to provide voting facilities.

- 6 of the 10 largest and most inhabited cities town halls have refused to comply as they refuse to break the law. L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Terrassa, Mataró, Tarragona and Lleida.

- Barcelona have not agreed either (21% of the voters are in Barcelona). Ada Calou, the Mayoress, has refused to put either the public workers or the administration at risk of breaking the law until there are assurances in place from the (Catalan) government that there will not be repercussions.

So the government is allowing themselves to break the law. A good example they are setting. How can they then expect the people they govern to keep the law when they refuse to keep it themselves? Anyone caught breaking the law can argue that the government is allowed to break the law without repercussions to so why should the authorities expect the people to abide by the law?

Maybe, to coin a very famous phrase, ´We are all equal but some are more equal than others'.

The game continues....
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