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 25 Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel (Read 73497 times)
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Re: Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel
Reply #45 - Feb 21st, 2013 at 1:48pm
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Very sad and dissappointed to hear about the robbery/burglary - unfortunately it could be any one of us and statistics show that in times of recession/high unemployment crime rates rise substantially.  Just wondering though if house insurance would cover any of the losses incurred?
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Re: Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel
Reply #46 - Mar 16th, 2013 at 1:28pm
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Now I,m back here in the sunny UK LOL!!!! thought I would do a bit of a update on my return home journey.
I left Tortosa and headed for Lerida on the C230 then joined free A2 then the C25-C16 to stopped at berga were I slept in the van that night,the following early morning woke up to light snow Shocked  drove through the Cadi tunnel around 12 euros then onto  Puigcerda and the Tunnel de Puymorens around 13.50 Euros were leaving the tunnel conditions were a bit scary with snow this was before daybreak around 7am but crept in behind a Artic who made good tracks and was driving nice and slow made my way to Ax Les Thermes after this it was basically  a blast up France with only a few slight mistake re-roads toll/non toll and got up to around Blose ? were again I slept in back of van "for a few hour it was freezing in back,moved into front for rest of that horrendous night, this was the day France stopped, miles upon miles of wagons stranded roads which were covered with ice and snow  really bad conditions which I was totally not expecting so far up France spent miles and miles behind the wheel struggling with the GPS to find any roads that were not closed but managed through pigheadedness to make my way up to Lisieux ,I was a day early and had planed to go and see some of the WW2 sites on the Normandy coast so that night booked a very nice and reasonable hotel "premier Classic" in the town,  38 euros inc breakfast not that cheap Tongue but boy was that hot shower good and the bed felt like sleeping on feathers with the usual french breakfast 4.90 euros the day before I paid 2.60 for a "Grand" cafe au lait at the services "plastic cup of crap" anyway on the hole would defiantly use this route again was  being used by many large  wagons and the Andorra traffic, so poss more suited to heavy/loaded up to the roof vans  traveling down from the UK ,   defiantly faster/direct than the Milau bridge route.
I would also like "IF" i ever can manage to afford it try route pondgirl,s suggested route through the Vielha tunnel and up dont think this the N230 would be as" kind" to the van as my return route though.
all the best to you all
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Re: Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel
Reply #47 - Mar 16th, 2013 at 5:48pm
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As a truck driver with 20odd years experience around Europe, l always found the motorway past Barca, in to France,  up past Orange, Lyon, Reims, miss Paris, to Calais, ln bad weather the motorway is never closed and for a 42 tonne truck the tolls were only 90 odd Euros. by far the best route unless you are going to Cairn or St Marlo.
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Re: Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel
Reply #48 - Mar 16th, 2013 at 7:01pm
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yes, i agree skibob, i am also a truck driver and all the almeria/murcia fruit and veg runs are run up the coastal roads through la jonquera across to the a75 millau/clermont ferrand a71 orleans, chartres,rouen/calais or as you say the a6 lyon route through to the a16,if i am going to cherbourg/ caen i run across to teruel/zaragoza/pamplona/irun and then up the n10/a10 have to run a 44 ton truck at the best cost effected means . the rest are just tourist routes.
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Re: Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel
Reply #49 - Mar 16th, 2013 at 9:38pm
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I hope you achieved the work you set out to do ?
It is a flippin nuisance that you have to bring everything of any value back to uk. every trip,as it would be a lot easier/lighter on the vehicle to travel home empty.
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Re: Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel
Reply #50 - Mar 16th, 2013 at 11:39pm
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Hi just clarify I sailed from Le Havre not Calais,and did use the A10,I did notice the sign for Zaragoza and was tempted to try this route but was unsure about were the crossing point/Tunnel was in the Pyrenees ?so as I new the Puymorens route, that's why I chose it.
The A75 was OK, but the last stretch once you start descending into the Montpelier/perpignan I would have thought a real ball-breaker going back up!! and as for you lot in your 42 tonne trucks well you left me standing on some of the inclines, I was down to 30 mph, in the parts were it was up to 1000m, and have worked out tolls so far for A75 and this is not 100% motorway did try messing about with some of the free, going through the farmers back yard type roads LOL!!!! around 56 euros and fuel was around about £265 going which doesn't sound too bad, but it was a bit of a long winded route ,I haven't totted up my return toll/fuel costs but reckon quite a bit more on tolls, but defiantly faster and easier on the van ,I cannot remember it struggling anyware on the return ,there is one thing forgot to mention got flashed by a speed camera  out side Toulouse,  typicaly the only place I got a decent bit of speed up Sad and it was on the free bit off the motorway, is this  a way of getting there money back ?
Thanks Phil nope I didn't get nearly what I wanted to get done, The weather was the main problem, and also believe it or not was the rock going through the footings were I had  cut it with the Sthil saw because it was too high, was incredible hard stuff like flint, but by no means as brittle spent a good couple of days on that problem.
I am not saying anything about what I leave or take any more,or even when I am going to be over, as I really,really trust very few now, and I also found out later that the old farmer hadn't been robbed at all,they must have had a conveyor going at my place getting it all out, and yet his gear is just left outside, new trailer, rotavator and all that's stopping them being taken is a fifty pence padlock  hanging on bit off old wire and yet they robbed me of everything,so what do you make of that ? Angry
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Re: Ferry/Spain/France/Eurotunnel
Reply #51 - Jun 2nd, 2015 at 5:56pm
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Hi everyone
            Just a quick post to warn you about booking the car ferry from Calais to Dover last minute , they charged me 135 euros one way yesterday because I hadn't got a reservation , I expected it to be a little more expensive but that is ridiculous , I will make an earlier booking when I come back in August .
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