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 25 Could only happen in the UK (Read 45088 times)
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #15 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 4:05pm
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It's another big subject Nob but really, better for who?  Do you honestly think that the aboriginals of North America and Australasia (for instance) have a better life now than they did before they were 'converted'?  What do they have to be grateful for?  I accept that it is the survival of the fittest (most ruthless, wealthiest, strongest), it appears to be part of human nature, but please don't try to make out that colonosing lands where others are already living is somehow noble.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #16 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 7:00pm
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Really Pondgirl, Granted the Aborigines of Australia have had an horrendous time, so have the Indians of North America. But you can't tell me the peoples of Africa are better off now than when they were colonialized by the Europeans.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #17 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 7:14pm
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You have seen nothing yet! UK furthers its ethnic diversity with the admission of this oppressed minority from January and they will all be legally in the country.;      Smiley
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #18 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 7:30pm
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"I am the Tory Party's Worst Nightmare.  I am a White, Tax-Paying, God fearing English man.  I am a hard working Brit and I work long hours to earn a living.

I  believe in God and the freedom of religion, but I don't push it on others.  I believe in British products and buy them whenever I can.

I believe the money I make belongs to me and not to some governmental functionary, to share with others who don't work!

I think owning a home doesn't make you a  capitalist; it makes you a smart Brit.  I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything.  Get over it.  Join in with the majority!

I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, you should do it in English.  I believe there should be no other language option.

I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.

My heroes are fellow Brits like Winston Churchill  and I know I've missed a few thousand!!!!!

I don't hate the rich. What I hate is the way they always manage to avoid paying proper taxes.     I don't pity the  poor, I just hate the way they are always moaning that they are hard done by!!

I know wrestling is fake and I don't waste my time watching or arguing about it.

I believe if you don't like the way things are here, go back to where you came from and change your own country!

This is ENGLAND.....We like it the way it is and even  more so the way it stop trying to change it to look like some other socialist country!   If you were born or legally migrated here and don't like it... you are free to move to any Socialist  country that will have you.  I believe it is time to really clean house, starting with the House of Commons, the seat of our biggest problems.

I want to know  where the "Do Gooders" get their money from, and why are they always part of the problem and not the solution?
Can I get an AMEN on that one?

I also think the cops have the right to pull you over if you're breaking the law, regardless of what race, colour or creed you are.     And, no, I don't mind having my face shown on my driving licence.  I think it's good....

I dislike those people trying to guilt me into making 'donations' to their cause....Get a job and support yourself and your family!

I believe 'illegal' is illegal no matter what the lawyers think!

I believe the Union Jack flag should be allowed to be flown anywhere in the United Kingdom !

If this makes me a BAD Brit, then yes, I'm a BAD Brit.  If you are a BAD Brit too, please forward this to everyone you know....

We want our country back!   My Country.....

      I hope this offends all illegal aliens.

My great, great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Boer War.  My grandfather watched and bled as his friends died in World Wars 1&2.  I watched as my friends died in Sierra Leone Bosnia, & Desert Storm.  Our sons and daughters watched & bled as their friends died in Afghanistan and Iraq .   None of them died for the Afghanistan and Iraq Flag.  Every Briton died for the British flag.

At one high school, foreign students raised a Middle East flag on a school flag pole.  British students took it down. Guess who was expelled...the students who took it down.

West London high school students were sent home, because they wore T-shirts with the Union Jack flag printed on them.

What is going on??   What idiots do we have in authority??   Enough is enough.

This message needs to be viewed by every Brit; and every Briton needs to stand up for Britain . We've bent over to appease the Brit-haters long enough.  I'm taking a stand.

I'm standing up because of the millions who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the British flag.

And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.  IT IS NOT !

Britons, stop giving away Your RIGHTS !


This statement DOES NOT mean I'm against immigration !

YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY, welcome to come legally:
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #19 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 8:04pm
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Hi guys,

I've been thinking about how to respond to some of the posts on this thread in a polite and civil manner, but as each message becomes ever more hysterical and irrational, I think I'll say just this.

I lived for 55 years as a not white mixed race male in Britain. I served 25 years in the London Fire Brigade before resigning. I no longer live in the UK because of the hateful language that was screamed into my face on an almost weekly basis. Mostly by people expressing the same views as some of the posters on this thread. I genuinely wish some of you could live in Britain as a none white  to experience what it is like to be regarded as an immigrant in the UK, you would then be able to contrast it with life here as an immigrant, no comparison! believe me.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Regards John

PS Pondgirl, you should call yourself flintygirl, (top girl anyway! Wink)
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #20 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 8:23pm
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Just to fan the flames a little more I think immigration is a good thing after all every member on this forum is technically an immigrant much the same as the ole US of A.
The country was built by immigrants and it suited.
Last month I was at my eldest daughter graduation at Huddersfield Uni,24,000 students from 130 different countries.And you could tell........Some will leave and take their education back to their homeland but will always have been educated in the UK.Good for British trade and industry.The rest may stay and put their education to good use in the UK,again good for trade and industry.So yes immigration is good but it needs to be managed.The yanks do it well and so do the Aussies but it was the immigrants that made these countries.Well except Australia,they were just sheep rustlers.... Wink
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #21 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 9:35pm
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bienvenido a espana.
It is good to read how important it is as an immigrant to accept the rules and customs of the country you have chosen to live in.I hope sincerely that those who think like that also practice what they preach.when you choose Spain as the country to live in,the least you can do is learn the language
(I can just see the reaction of an englishman in England when a foreigner p.e. from Mali starts shouting to him in the man's native language and waving his arms etc.he probably would think it was a lunatic trying to talk to him)
Apart from that having chosen this country one accepts its customs as well and when in Rome do as the Romans.
Maybe something tothink about before criticizing others.

Just food for thought.
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cactus jack
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #22 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 11:37pm
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Sorry to disillusion you ski bob, but the whole of that 'letter' has been debunked. The flagpole bit is utter rubbish.

It doesn't reflect my own point of view that its one world one people. We all hurt and we all want a decent life

Nostalgia is not what it used to be...
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #23 - Aug 7th, 2013 at 7:27am
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Really Pondgirl, Granted the Aborigines of Australia have had an horrendous time, so have the Indians of North America. But you can't tell me the peoples of Africa are better off now than when they were colonialized by the Europeans.

So you don't have a problem with the British moving abroad and changing other countries you just don't want it happening in 'yours'. 

If you change the name of the country in the jingoistic rant that you C&P'd above, to any of the countries that Britain colonised and sent Christian Missionaries to I expect the same would apply.

I must admit my irony meter nearly burst when I read:

"I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, you should do it in English.  I believe there should be no other language option."

Really??  And when in Catalunya or Spain I hope that you don't speak anything other than  Catalan or Castillian, because if you did or if you expected any help in English that would be hypocritical, wouldn't it?

"If you are a BAD Brit too, please forward this to everyone you know...."

If anyone sent this to me I would forward it...straight to the trash.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #24 - Aug 7th, 2013 at 10:00am
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Thanks jack for putting me straight.

Did l say l agreed with the thread Pondgirl. Don't jump to conclusions. You put that awful poster up!!

jaBB, why is it we can't have a discussion about immigration without the colour question coming up. l have a small comprehension of what  racial  aggression is like, having been in NI in the 70's with little 6-7 year old children spitting at me and telling me to go home.
Like you I have left the UK because I could tolerate the small mindedness of the racialst bigots, jobs-worth, do-gooders.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #25 - Aug 7th, 2013 at 12:54pm
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Thanks jack for putting me straight.

Did l say l agreed with the thread Pondgirl. Don't jump to conclusions. You put that awful poster up!!

jaBB, why is it we can't have a discussion about immigration without the colour question coming up. l have a small comprehension of what  racial  aggression is like, having been in NI in the 70's with little 6-7 year old children spitting at me and telling me to go home.
Like you I have left the UK because I could tolerate the small mindedness of the racialst bigots, jobs-worth, do-gooders.

Erm, if you didn't agree with the e-mail or whatever it was that you posted why does it say at the beginning:



The reason that colour comes into it is because the original story is about the possibility of officers from UKBA stopping people because of their ethnicity.  What do you think they all had in common?  Stopping people on suspicion that they are illegal immigrants on the basis of their colour is racist, whether you like it or not.  Your opening views were that the UK is going down the plughole because people were very concerned about this.

That poster that I put up is a genuine Conservative Party election poster from the 1960's.  There are plenty of people of all races and colours that remember the terrible racism of those times, I certainly do, and don't want to see a return to them.  They are afraid that this is what will happen if it becomes 'okay' to stop people because of their colour.  I guess these are the do-gooders or busybodies that you were complaining about.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #26 - Aug 7th, 2013 at 1:52pm
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I love it when people play the 'Rascist' card.It;s the in thing nowadays since everybody got all PC. The fact is skin colour and facial features set people apart so really it's the only thing people have to go on when looking for a certain section of society,like it or not it happens whether it is deemed racist or not.If,for example, there was a terrorist alert regarding,lets say,Somali individuals where would you start,blond,blue eyed caucasians flying in from Finland.No you wouldn't so it is deemed rascist that you look for dark skinned,brown eyed people with Afro middle eastern features,usually by those who for some reason have an agenda.It really is common sense.
I myself would rather be called a racist and have our borders protected properly than bow down to the PC brigade and have the UKBA spend time and resources tracking them down once they are in and firmly ensconsed in mainland UK.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #27 - Aug 7th, 2013 at 1:55pm
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Seconds away round 4!    Undecided
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #28 - Aug 7th, 2013 at 2:56pm
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I love it when people play the 'Rascist' card.It;s the in thing nowadays since everybody got all PC. The fact is skin colour and facial features set people apart so really it's the only thing people have to go on when looking for a certain section of society,like it or not it happens whether it is deemed racist or not.If,for example, there was a terrorist alert regarding,lets say,Somali individuals where would you start,blond,blue eyed caucasians flying in from Finland.No you wouldn't so it is deemed rascist that you look for dark skinned,brown eyed people with Afro middle eastern features,usually by those who for some reason have an agenda.It really is common sense.
I myself would rather be called a racist and have our borders protected properly than bow down to the PC brigade and have the UKBA spend time and resources tracking them down once they are in and firmly ensconsed in mainland UK.

It isn't because of political correctness that I despise racism and I'm not 'playing the racist card' like it's some sort of a game.

Do you remember the racist policeman sketch in 'Not the Nine o'Clock News' where the officer was reprimanded for arresting someone for having 'big, rubbery lips and wearing a loud shirt in a built up area'?  It was supposed to be funny, not a recommended way to behave.

I agree that it wold be much better that UKBA actually protected the borders properly in the first place.  The courts should also be much harsher on employers who take on illegal immigrants and exploit them.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #29 - Aug 7th, 2013 at 3:29pm
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I love it when people play the 'Rascist' card.It;s the in thing nowadays since everybody got all PC. The fact is skin colour and facial features set people apart so really it's the only thing people have to go on when looking for a certain section of society,like it or not it happens whether it is deemed racist or not.If,for example, there was a terrorist alert regarding,lets say,Somali individuals where would you start,blond,blue eyed caucasians flying in from Finland.No you wouldn't so it is deemed rascist that you look for dark skinned,brown eyed people with Afro middle eastern features,usually by those who for some reason have an agenda.It really is common sense.
I myself would rather be called a racist and have our borders protected properly than bow down to the PC brigade and have the UKBA spend time and resources tracking them down once they are in and firmly ensconsed in mainland UK.

It isn't because of political correctness that I despise racism and I'm not 'playing the racist card' like it's some sort of a game.

Do you remember the racist policeman sketch in 'Not the Nine o'Clock News' where the officer was reprimanded for arresting someone for having 'big, rubbery lips and wearing a loud shirt in a built up area'?  It was supposed to be funny, not a recommended way to behave.

I agree that it wold be much better that UKBA actually protected the borders properly in the first place.  The courts should also be much harsher on employers who take on illegal immigrants and exploit them

Dont forget the offensive haircut....

Just how exactly would you have UKBA protect our borders properly in the first place when all and sundry are screaming racist because they have stopped and searched a coloured gentleman,or a woman in a burqa or a bloke that just,to the trained eye,looks dodgy.

They are,a £10,000  fine per person but they still get in.
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