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 25 Could only happen in the UK (Read 46561 times)
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Could only happen in the UK
Aug 2nd, 2013 at 7:56pm
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As Victor Meldrew would say " l don't believe it " Roll Eyes

Tell me l'm not the only one that thinks the UK is going down the plug-hole.

Immigrant spot checks: Equality watchdog investigatesImmigration raids on 1 August 2013 Immigration enforcement officers arrested 139 suspected illegal immigrants on Thursday

Immigration spot checks at railway stations across the country are to be investigated by the equality watchdog for possible unlawful discrimination.

This follows reported complaints that the checks, carried out on Thursday, targeted people based on ethnicity.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission said it would examine the powers used and their "justification".

Immigration Minister Mark Harper denied the checks used racial profiling. He said they were based on intelligence.

A spokesman for the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said it would also "ask questions about the extent to which the Home Office complied with its public sector equality duty" when vans were sent around London encouraging illegal immigrants to "go home".

As well as the spot checks at transport hubs, there were raids on workplaces on Thursday.

A Home Office spokesman said there were a total of 160 arrests, 21 of which were at stations in London.

The other 139 suspected illegal immigrants and rogue employers were arrested at locations across the country including London, Durham, Manchester, Wales and Somerset.

'Reasonable suspicion'

The Home Office said there had been 228 immigration street operations since 2008 and there were 9,000 arrests in the past year for suspected immigration abuse.

An EHRC spokesman said it was writing to the Home Office about the checks at transport hubs.

He said the EHRC "will be examining the powers used and the justification for them, in order to assess whether unlawful discrimination took place".
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #1 - Aug 5th, 2013 at 3:28pm
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If the UKBA are stopping people because of their ethnicity (that actually means colour) then the UK really is going down the plughole.

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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #2 - Aug 5th, 2013 at 5:51pm
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I must be missing something here,seems pretty obvious to me. I used to get stopped and searched going into football grounds because I was wearing my teams colours.Skin colour and facial features would seem a pretty good starting point in my book.How or where  else would the police/border agencies start.Perhaps you would rather ask them to come forward at their own convenience......
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #3 - Aug 5th, 2013 at 6:21pm
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Being non-white is not grounds for believing someone is an illegal immigrant.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #4 - Aug 5th, 2013 at 6:39pm
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Quite agree, but it's bloody good start.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #5 - Aug 5th, 2013 at 6:41pm
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Both the Lab and Tories are frightened to put there heads above the parapet to point us in the right direction.
Lets get rid of all the "jobs-worth, do-gooders and PC brigade". Most of it comes from Brussels anyway.
Lets start calling  spade a spade. All this c**p about so-called Human rights
No one has any Human rights until they can demonstrate to the community that they deserve  them. Likewise benefits should be earned and not expected as a given right.
Many people think the UK is one of the most tolerant societies in the world. Welcoming more than it's fair share of the worlds displaced citizens. 
l would say it is lacking in moral fibre Angry

ln order to live harmoniously with each other ,we must have laws and rules that everyone must abide by. lf not you forfeit your right to live in a society that is governed by them, and by sent back to where you come from, without intervention from Brussels.

lf we let the lunatics run the asylum we are failing in out duty to the next generation.  Sad

Yours  Billy-no-mates,
And this is before l have a drink. Roll Eyes
( don't mention your name Pike) Wink
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #6 - Aug 5th, 2013 at 6:47pm
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Bob,calm's not just the UK that has this problem.Most of the European countries do.


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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #7 - Aug 5th, 2013 at 7:16pm
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I don't even know what he's talking about.   "Lets get rid of all the "jobs-worth, do-gooders and PC brigade"  and do what? 

"No one has any Human rights until they can demonstrate to the community that they deserve  them. Likewise benefits should be earned and not expected as a given right."
Meaningless hysteria.  How do you 'demonstrate to the community that you deserve Human Rights'?  By being white? By being a native of that country?

Why bring the question of benefits into a subject about illegal immigrants?  They cannot claim anything because of their illegality.

You seem to be conflating illegal immigrants with legal immigrants, they aren't the same thing at all.

I meant to add, I do of course believe that anyone who is another country illegally should be returned to their country of origin.

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cactus jack
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #8 - Aug 5th, 2013 at 9:30pm
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As an immigrant in this country, which I have chosen to live in, for a better life, how could I even attempt at commentating on someone else wishing to do the same.
Passports and visas are a relatively new condition to travelling. The various politicians who passed the immigration laws are the ones who suddenly made it illegal to travel a world that we all live in and fundamentally have a right to live anywhere in it.
"illegal" immigrants do not claim dole or other monetary gains and invariably live in squalor and work for peanuts, doing jobs that the 'indigenous' people won't do.

Nostalgia is not what it used to be...
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #9 - Aug 5th, 2013 at 9:49pm
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Well said Cactus Jack!
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #10 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 12:17am
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Can I bring in to this, all the immigrants legal or not ,who move to various countries and do not want to conform with that countries rules, and laws, and actually hate and despise the residents of that country to the extent of terrorism.
This is happening here in the UK, like it or not  "FACT"
I totally agree with Jack,that as humans, we should all be free to move to wherever we want, but there does need to be correct control,s of who is allowed in and who is not.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #11 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 7:13am
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Anyone who commits an act of terrorism whether they are indigenous or an immigrant should be prosecuted.  They aren't always carried out by immigrants though.  I believe the guys who killed Lee Rigby were born in the UK

"I totally agree with Jack,that as humans, we should all be free to move to wherever we want, but there does need to be correct control,s of who is allowed in and who is not."
That is a complete contradiction, but I would agree that in practical terms there need to be border controls.  Mind you, the British themselves when building their Empire were no respecters of borders or the wishes and customs of the indigenous populations.
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #12 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 9:50am
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Seconds away round 3   Grin
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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #13 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 3:00pm
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It's not " meaningless hysteria" Pondgirl. You demonstrate your Human Rights by obaying the Laws of the Land.
I will explain to you about  "Lets get rid of all the "jobs-worth, do-gooders and PC brigade"  and do what. Well for one thing we start using more common-sense.

Quite agree with Pondgirl" The UK is going down the plug hole.

Who brought the question of Colour into this discussion. Roll Eyes

Google interpretation of Ethnicity means where your Heritage, doesn't mention colour.

G*D forbid someone brings Religion in to it !

Legal or illegal, they all get hand-outs. Wink

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Re: Could only happen in the UK
Reply #14 - Aug 6th, 2013 at 3:42pm
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Anyone who commits an act of terrorism whether they are indigenous or an immigrant should be prosecuted.  They aren't always carried out by immigrants though.  I believe the guys who killed Lee Rigby were born in the UK

"I totally agree with Jack,that as humans, we should all be free to move to wherever we want, but there does need to be correct control,s of who is allowed in and who is not."
That is a complete contradiction, but I would agree that in practical terms there need to be border controls.  Mind you, the British themselves when building their Empire were no respecters of borders or the wishes and customs of the indigenous populations.

But thankfully made them a better country for which most were extremely grateful.We can thank the Victorians,William Sheakespere,the armed forces and the British judicial system for that.
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