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 25 Be wary of this conman. (Read 23988 times)
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #15 - Sep 18th, 2014 at 4:44pm
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Hmmm, I don't like getting drawn into arguments but I kind of have to say something in response to the various pics and comments by Maxwell. Contrary to the photo's he has posted not much of his 'work' was satisfactory. I'd had several quotes from several builders prior to employing this guy, none of which were as expensive as he says. But, based on  all of his claims to being a builder, and his pics on his laptop, AND his quote, I employed him. ALL of my previous quotes included removing the wall as it was on top of tiles which had been fixed with yeso. As for his welding skills, most of the finished welds could be broken by a slight push. The osb boards are t&g but none of the t&g's are fitted properly. He broke my window sills, his cement crumbled and there are many concrete blocks with NO cement at all. Notice too that the blocks have been put on upside down.
Re: My Welsh pants, well i'm proud of that Dragon and don't mind showing them off. However, and I won't publish any pics, this 'experienced builder' does like to parade a building site in his underwear and moccasins, neither of which are steel toecapped!
This has become rather farcical now and I think, even though he speaks English, he doesn't actually understand much of it. I attribute this as the main reason for him not doing a good and fair job and for not realising that the wall removal was a clearly stated priority for me. Several people saw his 'finished' roof, not one of those people thought it was finished, not one thought that the work was satisfactory.
It's a pity it's come to this, I would never have disclosed his name publicly and I wanted only to prevent others from wasting their monies on his services. That's all from me.
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #16 - Sep 19th, 2014 at 4:19pm
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A couple of pics that Maxwell didn't want publicised, showing the true "quality" of the 'finished' roof. Enjoy!
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #17 - Sep 19th, 2014 at 11:30pm
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I can not speak for Maxwell's command of English in general, but there does seem to be some confusion between the meaning of Slander and Libel...
(Although to be fair he may have been slandered as well, and I just don't know about it...)
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #18 - Sep 20th, 2014 at 2:26am
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hhmunro wrote on Sep 19th, 2014 at 11:30pm:
I can not speak for Maxwell's command of English in general, but there does seem to be some confusion between the meaning of Slander and Libel...
(Although to be fair he may have been slandered as well, and I just don't know about it...)

1  Defamation is split between libel and slander. Something spoken or written which lowers others' opinion of a person.

The defamation must be said in front of a third party for corroboration. The statement must be untrue otherwise it is not defamation.

What is defamation

Definition of defamation

2  This is a false statement made by one person about another which involves some imputation (accusation) which discredits that person's character, reputation or credit worthiness. A defamatory statement must be communicated to at least one person other than the subject of the statement. It can be communicated by, for example, spoken or written words, or by photographs, cartoons or effigies. In other words it can be communicated in any way in which meaning can be conveyed.

Difference between libel and slander

3  If a defamatory statement is spoken the defamation is slander. If it is written, it is libel. In addition libel also includes statements broadcast on terrestrial, cable or satellite television, on video, on film and possibly E-Mail bulletin boards. In the rest of this item the term defamation is used to cover both situations unless indicated otherwise.

4  Generally libel is considered as more serious than slander because of the enduring nature of the statement and consequently libel actions are more common than slander actions.

Statements which are likely to be defamatory

5  There is no easy way of telling what is or is not defamatory and it is really up to the courts to decide whether a particular statement is defamatory or not, taking into account the particular context and nature of the statement.

6  In general, any statement which tends to lower the reputation of the person referred to in the estimation of reasonable people is defamatory. It is worth noting that a statement which at first sight is quite harmless may, nevertheless, have a defamatory meaning because of the circumstances in which it is made. That may be because those to whom the statement is made have a special knowledge of particular facts. The statement is then defamatory by innuendo.

7  The list below gives some idea of the various kinds of statements which in the past the courts have considered to be defamatory. You should remember that this list is not exhaustive but simply illustrative. For example, statements which imply that a person is:-

    unfit for her/his particular job or occupation
    a criminal
    a thief or dishonest
    a drunkard or excessive drinker
    immoral or sexually immoral
    insolvent or bankrupt

8  In certain circumstances, the most outrageously defamatory comments, true or not, may be repeated, provided they are quoted accurately and fairly. This is because they are protected by absolute privilege and the originator of the statement cannot be sued. This applies to, for example:-

    contemporaneous reports in a newspaper, radio or television of judicial proceedings
    reports of what was said in the States
    quotations from or reprints of States (parliamentary) papers.

9  Some other statements are protected by qualified privilege. This covers statements which are published in, for example, reports of public meetings or non contemporaneous court reports. They may be repeated even if they are false as long as they are accurate and not made out of malice. This also applies to statements made in references and testimonials - see paragraph 10.

Defamation in references and testimonials

10 References which pass from one employer to another are covered by what is known as qualified privilege. This means that an employer can probably say what s/he likes about an employee. However s/he must not:-

    maliciously make false statements
    negligently make a wrong statement. An employer giving a reference about an employee owes her/him a duty of care. This means the employer could be sued for negligence if the reference/testimonial contains inaccuracies which result in the employee suffering a loss.

E-mails and the Internet

11 There has been a recent judgement in the UK that derogatory e-mails can be considered libellous and the employer on whose computer system the libel was e-mailed can be considered to be legally responsible.

12 Owners of Internet sites which contain information posted by the public are responsible for the content. An Internet Service Provider (Demon) in the UK was successfully sued for not removing libellous material when repeatedly asked to do so by the person being libelled.


13 Legal action through a solicitor or advocate. Legal Aid is NOT available for such cases.

14 Person initially could write a letter to the person causing trouble and ask for it to stop otherwise legal action would be instituted.
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #19 - Sep 20th, 2014 at 9:54am
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Bunter.  Do you have an e-book edition of Archbold?  It's published by Sweet & (ironically) Maxwell.
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #20 - Sep 20th, 2014 at 12:38pm
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Sounds as though you worked in the legal profession in some capacity Bunter! although this is all well and good , we are in Spain and believe me they make their own laws up as the court cases progress , how do I know because I have been through it on a 2 year case . Only if you take Spain to the eu and you could be 5 years in the waiting with all the back log .... life is too short, best as you said sort it out personally and not involve lawyers.
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #21 - Sep 20th, 2014 at 12:45pm
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Things of this nature are best sorted out face to face rather than on an open forum
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #22 - Sep 20th, 2014 at 5:27pm
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I agree Robo you are correct.

Michael I do not have an e copy but the hard copy's make excellent door stops. The e-copy is about four hundred quid but you do get the supplements so it's always up to date. (Same as the hard copy) However the learned Judge would not take kindly to you handing him/Her your laptop every time you tried to make a legal point. I mean it sounds much better if you all have your hard copies (No Wifi probs) and you can point his/her honour to the correct page/line of the legal argument. E Copies are normally just kept in tandem with the hard copy when writing up a brief they are quicker to search.

Catalanboy. Spain is somewhat the same as the UK I understand what your saying with regards Defamation in Spain..In Spain, the crime of calumny (Article 205 of the Penal Code) consists of offending one's reputation knowing the falsity of the offence, or with a reckless contempt for truth. Penalties for cases with publicity are imprisonment from six months to two years or a fine of 12 to 24 months-fine, and for other cases only a fine of 6 to 12 months-fine (Article 206). Additionally, the crime of injury (Article 208 of the Penal Code) consists of hurting someone's dignity, depreciating his reputation or injuring his self-esteem, and is only applicable if the offence, by its nature, effects and circumstances, is considered by the general public as strong. Injury has a penalty of fine from 3 to 7 months-fine, or from 6 to 14 months-fine when it's strong and with publicity. According to Article 216, an additional penalty to calumny or injury may be imposed by the judge, determining the publication of the judicial decision (in a newspaper) at the expenses of the defamer.

This post is not unlike the estate agent a few weeks ago. I am sure people can make their own judgement with regards having work done or not. Lets talk about nosebag and nice bottles of chilled Chateau St Baillon by the pool.  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #23 - Sep 24th, 2014 at 3:43pm
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Oh well. Seems none of you like to be forewarned before parting with your money. I simply wanted to let others know that the claims by this guy fall somewhat short in reality. He was advised by my local consumer advice person that if he claims to be a builder, whether registered or not, he should complete the work to a satisfactory standard.
The consumer advice chap saw video clips and photographs of the ´finished´job and told him to go back to my house and put it right. When he came to my house he just wanted to realign a couple of tiles and put silicon everywhere, not good enough!!
Whether he's defamed or not, photographs, videos and witnesses all prove the inadequacy of his ´professional´ work standard. So many Brits, and other nationalities, are constantly losing money to everyone that claims to be a builder, from bus drivers to bank managers, when they get here they're all builders.
Conversation over then, i've given fair warning and leave it to potential customers to deal with later. Sad
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #24 - Sep 25th, 2014 at 12:17am
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"Seems none of you like to be forewarned" Mate, people on this forum are not stupid.
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #25 - Sep 25th, 2014 at 9:12pm
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"Seems none of you like to be forewarned" Mate, people on this forum are not stupid.

Smidge will you be told about making statements, I am sorry to have to do this to you my friend BUT PROVE IT.....
Yours a now very saddened Bulldog.
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #26 - Sep 25th, 2014 at 10:43pm
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I know smidge and he definitely is not stupid,  i cant speak for the rest of us though
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #27 - Sep 25th, 2014 at 11:26pm
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Thanks Robo! Bulldog I hope you are not one of these people who were in the dock recently for hijacking peoples threads.  Angry
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #28 - Sep 26th, 2014 at 8:48pm
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Thanks Robo! Bulldog I hope you are not one of these people who were in the dock recently for hijacking peoples threads.  Angry

Thanks for your concern Smidge but all my threads come from Marks and Sparks and not from the docks well except for the suit,shoes and a few shirts but I must admit I did get a few items from a hijacked hearse if this is what you are referring too.
Yours a well dressed Bulldog.
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Re: Be wary of this conman.
Reply #29 - Sep 27th, 2014 at 12:35pm
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I am out of words BD. Cheesy
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